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公平交易 (2/3) - 英语听力

公平交易 (2/3)-英语听力.mp3
[00:00.00] But as well as helping farmers directly...
[00:00.00] But as well as helping farmers directly, you also have influence on governments, don't you? I mean, governments are talking more and more about fairer global trade. Yes, we're finding that the issues we've been talking about for the past ten years are moving up the agenda. For example, we're having more of a debate on how we can achieve economic growth and social justice, as both are needed. As a result, leaders of larger Fairtrade organisations have been invited to high-level international meetings and economic forums. We can use our experience to illustrate to governments how trade can be better managed. But how do you convince people who say economic growth is the answer to everything? Don't these people argue that Fairtrade isn't good for free trade? Well, I worked in business for a long time and so I understand the need for a free market, but it seems unlikely to me that when it comes to social problems, like global poverty, the answer is just an economic one, because social choices have to be made, too.