

心上逢秋 - 飘-奧利弗

[00:27.39]寒露時風起 煙波皺 /Wind when the cold de...
[00:27.39]寒露時風起 煙波皺 /Wind when the cold dew
[00:27.49]秋雨繾倦 千里畫軸/It was raining with tiredness
[00:30.66]若有故人 攜酒來酬 /There was an old friend met me with wine
[00:33.68]只當夢中 好花常有/Just like the great old times in the dream.
[00:37.97] 幾度江湖 幾度春秋 / We talked about those years and the people we knew
[00:40.64]談笑間 紙扇搖舊 /Talking and laughing with shaking our paper fan
[00:45.01]某時適逢 滿天星斗/It was starry
[00:48.18]天地入懷 不醉不休 / Hug the heaven and earth until drunk.
[00:52.26]那一年故事說到最後 /The story tell to the end
[00:55.81]不過是 一苦燈 一清酒 /It’s just ​bitter candlelight​, a sake of wine
[00:59.51]慰我平生 未看透 / Comforting me that I haven’t seen
[01:02.93]浮華漸老 紅塵漸朽/The vanity was getting decay, the mundane was getting old
[01:06.71] 莫問誰獨倚江樓/ please do not ask who was alone in the small building besides the river
[01:10.22] 似我茫然人世間遊走/ walking around the world with confusing
[01:14.01] 寄與紙上閒愁/Writing on paper with leisure
[01:17.4] 黃花瘦盡 知己難留/Yellow flowers faded and fallen, True friends was hard to retention
[01:35.64]啊 ——
[01:50.009995]微雨時 月上柳梢頭 / Raining when the moon is on the tip of the willow
[01:53.4]一葉小舟 隨波逐流 / One leaf boat follow the flow
[01:57.020004]幾處相思 幾處愁/Several acacia several sadness
[02:00.2]獨酌清輝 徹夜不休/ drink all night with the clear moonlight
[02:04.15]幾度江湖 幾度春秋/those years and the people we knew
[02:10.93]一曲清歌 風滿樓/A song surrounded small building like winds
[02:12.73]獨倚船頭 醉看晚舟/Drunk and watching the night boat alone
[02:14.55]孤帆遠影 蒼海雲流/Lonely sail of the far shadow in the cloud
[02:18.56]落日流霞 映碧天/The sunset glows
[02:21.88]波搖月色 滿船樓 /Wave of the moonlight shaking the boat and the building​
[02:25.69]今宵莫問 曲中意 /Please do not ask the meaning of the song
[02:29.23]只是癡人說夢 借酒消愁/It’s just silly saying in a dream and drown of the sorrow
[02:32.98]那一年故事說到最後/The story tell to the end
[02:36.56]不過是一枯燈 一清酒 /It’s just a bitter light and a sake of wine
[02:40.13]慰我平生未參透/comforting me not seeing through the life
[02:43.24]紅塵漸老 浮華漸朽/The vanity was getting decay, the mundane was getting old
[02:47.33]若問誰又獨倚江樓/If asking who was alone in the small building besides the river
[02:50.9]似我茫然人世間遊走/just like me walking around the world with confusing
[02:54.41]寄語紙上閒愁/Message on paper with leisures
[02:57.7]默默恍然 心上逢秋/Silently my heart was in the fall with understood
[03:09.83] 落日流霞 映碧天/ Sunset over the clouds
[03:15.39]波搖月色 滿船樓/wave of moonlight shaking the boat and building
[03:20.24]今宵莫問曲中意/if asking about the meaning of the song
[03:24.08]清風醉意何需酒/What else do I need in those tipsy refreshing breeze