

六级词汇:联想记忆法(乱序版)9-1 - 英语听力

[00:00.00]survival 幸存,幸存者,残存物。 [00:09....
[00:00.00]survival 幸存,幸存者,残存物。
[00:09.11]Doctors said his chances of survival were not good.
[00:13.41]survive 活下来,继续存在,从……逃出,幸免于,从(困境等)中挺过来;比……活得长
[00:26.64]Doctors predicted that the baby would not survie with such severe disabilities.
[00:32.81]definitely adv.一定地,明确地
[00:38.19]Accrding to the data,we can definitely say that pollution is increasing.[00:43.37]criticism n.批评,评判,平论,评论文章
[00:50.82]susceptible 易受影响的;过敏的;能经受的,容许的
[00:58.67]Jonathan was remarkably susceptible to music.
[01:03.34]sue 控告,起诉,要求,请求
[01:09.93]Few pepole sued the shops after they suffered from being searched.
[01:15.84]peg n.小钉,栓,挂物钉,桩,v.用钉子钉,用钉(或桩等)固定,
[01:34.70]The handicapped pegs away at doing exercise for standing up again .
[01:39.89]suspension 暂停,中止,暂令停止参加,暂时剥夺,
[01:58.68]I'll put the car repairs in a state of temporary suspension.
[02:03.91]dart 飞镖,飞镖游戏,疾驰,飞奔,投射,猛冲
[02:12.38]As the rain began to fall harder ,the passersby all darted into the shop.
[02:18.94]imperative n.必要的事,必须要完成的事,祈使语气(的动词,)
[02:33.57]breakdown n.垮台,破裂,(精神,健康等)衰竭,衰弱,(机器等的)损坏,故障,分类
[02:44.91]Their experiment was not on the edge of breakdown.
[02:49.62]oriental adj.东方的,东方人的,东方文化的
[02:56.26]sanction n.批准,认可,约束因素,约束力,国际制裁
[03:06.39]Gambling will not be sanctioned in any form./trade sancions
[03:11.03]notable n. 名人,要人,adj.值得注意的,显著的,著名的
[03:19.47]Richard was one of the most notable figures in our town.
[03:24.77]restraint n.抑制,限制,克制,约束措施约束条件。
[03:32.32]My father's rage was beyond restraint.
[03:37.40]alternative n.替换物,选择,选择的自由,adj. 两者选一的,供选择的,另类的
[03:48.20]We must do it like that,unless you have an alternative suggestion.
[03:52.63]fatigue n.疲劳,劳累,v.使…疲劳
[03:58.18]The patient is suffering from mental and physical fatigue.
[04:02.34]impetus n. 推动,促进,刺激,推动力
[04:08.82]The historical strike gave an enormours impetus to the whole American labor movement.
[04:14.48]suspicion n.怀疑,疑心,猜疑,一点儿,少量
[04:23.01]I have a deep suspicion about it .
[04:25.95]manufacture n.制造,制造业,vt.(大量)制造,加工
[04:33.08] The car was manufactured in Germany in 1960.
[04:38.70]opaque adj. 不透明的,不透光的,难理解的,晦涩的
[04:46.63]The economic system in this country is opaque.