

上位(Prod.百川Rebellious) - 深蓝儿童,许宏阳Oxy,YLevoled,百川

[00:00.00] 作词 : 许宏阳Oxy/YLevoled [00:01.00] 作...
[00:00.00] 作词 : 许宏阳Oxy/YLevoled
[00:01.00] 作曲 : 许宏阳Oxy/YLevoled
[00:10.24]混音:氧气Oxy,Lil Andy
[00:12.72]母带:Lil Andy
[00:19.47]在挤兑 疯狂的产品让同行的尊严都被踩稀碎
[00:25.62]那些被我们清除的伪专家 对你忏悔
[00:32.02]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[00:33.62]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[00:34.95]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[00:36.65]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[00:38.28]shoot them all are you ready?
[00:39.96]shoot them all are you ready?
[00:41.63]shoot them all are you ready?
[00:42.90]shoot them all are you ready?
[00:44.73]对 上位
[00:47.98]看你年纪轻轻 umm很像可塑之才
[00:51.61]来教你一些规则 助你早日爬爬爬更高位置
[00:59.41]适当沉默 并非dumb rat
[01:04.44]20几的年纪 甩锅是我的成就
[01:05.52]而本身就没有棱角 像鹅卵石uh
[01:10.78]上位上位get more money money
[01:12.35]获得fame fame 让他们怕你怕你
[01:17.17]觉得我说对 这里鼓掌?
[01:18.80]你们都是群sht ho
[01:21.79]让我变成你们 damn no
[01:23.84]在挤兑 疯狂的产品让同行的尊严都被踩稀碎
[01:29.91]那些被我们清除的伪专家 对你忏悔
[01:36.10]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[01:37.79]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[01:39.13]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[01:40.65]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[01:42.30]shoot them all are you ready?
[01:43.88]shoot them all are you ready?
[01:45.43]shoot them all are you ready?
[01:47.04]shoot them all are you ready?
[01:49.10]他们在这划水 都给他们打飞 不管他们哪位 盖上我的茶杯 亚洲版的Mafia
[01:51.76]hater们hate着 indigo倒咖啡 吧嗒你们洒泪 fk everybody 干到你们下跪
[01:55.34]杀人犯 八神庵 鬼烧
[01:56.37]再来几个送 随便你们送 扁到你们痛
[01:58.20]释放即刻你们party都 搅翻 榨干你们酒杯的 酒水后 揉碎 你的梦
[02:01.56]right now 各就各位 ready go
[02:03.10]抱大腿粗的 废物都 oh ho
[02:04.52]他们设定看见的 感觉都 so low
[02:05.87]不感兴趣变这个 圈子的 po po
[02:07.55]这歌不用featuring gangsta nation
[02:09.23]Eminem 2Pac and Biggie
[02:10.64]聚光灯下 you all can see me
[02:12.13]音量不够 再加3db
[02:13.75]全场沸腾 honey money party drop beat后
[02:20.75]in the future 统治力度彻底
[02:22.28]we can shoot ya 弹雨般的射击
[02:23.99]我们特立 独行 风格合体
[02:25.40]这局 我们抢光你们所有歌迷
[02:27.35]在挤兑 疯狂的产品让同行的尊严都被踩稀碎
[02:33.87]那些被我们清除的伪专家 对你忏悔
[02:40.35]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[02:41.64]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[02:43.19]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[02:44.78]颠覆现状 are you ready?
[02:46.37]shoot them all are you ready?
[02:47.99]shoot them all are you ready?
[02:49.54]shoot them all are you ready?
[02:51.31]shoot them all are you ready?