

坏蛋脸蛋 (写于2011年) - 翟晓明

坏蛋脸蛋 (写于2011年)-翟晓明.mp3
[00:00.00] 作词 : 翟晓明 [00:01.00] 作曲 : 翟晓明...
[00:00.00] 作词 : 翟晓明
[00:01.00] 作曲 : 翟晓明
[00:18.74] 你不是一个坏蛋,
[00:22.15] You are not a scoundrel,
[00:22.16] 后来成为他们中的一员。
[00:26.37] But later you become one of them.
[00:26.38] 每天的工作你都按部就班,
[00:30.04] You have your routine work,
[00:30.05] 传达上面的精神和文件。
[00:33.95] conveying the instructions and documents from above.
[00:33.96] 你不是一个演员,
[00:37.37] You are not an actor,
[00:37.38] 总要陪着他们去表演。
[00:41.66] yet you act with them.
[00:41.67] 口是心非的态度早已习惯,
[00:45.33] You've practicing duplicity for a long time,
[00:45.34] 那是给你自己买个保险。
[00:49.26] which is the insurance you bought for yourself.
[00:49.27] 嗨……为了关系你花尽公款,
[00:56.92] You spend the public funds to maintain your relationships.
[00:56.93] 嗨……为了利益你顶风冒险。
[01:04.62] You take risks for your own benefits.
[01:04.63] 嗨……为了前途你收起脸面,
[01:12.26] You put away shame for your bright future.
[01:12.27] 嗨……为了得到你不择手段。
[01:30.46] You fight by hook or crook.
[01:35.47] 你只在乎你的脸蛋,
[01:39.20] You care about your look,
[01:39.21] 还时刻惦记他的存款。
[01:42.71] and his money too.
[01:42.72] 你说听够了那些虚假的诺言,
[01:46.63] You've had enough of their empty promises,
[01:46.64] 只想看它的实际表现。
[01:50.73] and you just want the real thing.
[01:50.74] 你只会蜜语甜言,
[01:54.59] You talk sweet,
[01:54.60] 还假装着花枝招展。
[01:58.44] and you show off much.
[01:58.45] 期待着住进他的后花园,
[02:01.86] you look forward to living in his palace,
[02:01.87] 那里才是你想去的终点。
[02:06.08] that’s your final goal.
[02:06.09] 吼……心甘情愿用身体交换,
[02:13.73] You are ready to give all you have,
[02:13.74] 吼……汽车洋房和大笔存款。
[02:21.38] for big cars, big house and large deposits.
[02:21.39] 吼……不顾一切你让他喜欢,
[02:29.08] You're desperate to please him,
[02:29.09] 吼……成为怀里的定时炸弹。
[02:40.22] to become a time bomb.
[02:52.23] 我不知道你什么时候成了一个蛋,
[02:59.81] I don't recall when you became a scoundrel.
[02:59.82] 我不知道你什么时候变得危险。
[03:07.46] I don't know when you become a danger.
[03:07.47] 我会知道你什么时候露出嘴脸,
[03:15.12] But I can tell when you spill the beans.
[03:15.13] 我会知道你什么时候原形再现。
[03:19.57] I can tell when you are the real you.
[03:22.58] (写于2011年Written in 2011)