

The Man Who Is a Panopticon (这个男人是圆形监狱) - John Hawkwood's Blackfoot Sun

The Man Who Is a Panopticon (这个男人是圆形监狱)-John Hawkwood's Blackfoot Sun.mp3
[00:00.000] 作词 : John Hawkwood's Blackfoot Sun [...
[00:00.000] 作词 : John Hawkwood's Blackfoot Sun
[00:01.000] 作曲 : John Hawkwood's Blackfoot Sun
[00:02.461][The Man Who Is a Panopticon] (这个男人是圆形监狱)
[00:06.148]You look over your shoulder as you drift on into work: (当你上班时,你可疑地看着你身后:)
[00:15.148]the millions of folders & the endless seas of murk, (数以百万计的文件夹,无尽的糊涂海洋,)
[00:23.909]& as you stare at screens monitoring others' virtue, (和当您凝视着监视他人美德的屏幕时,)
[00:32.145]you wonder if you're being observed by someone just like you: (您想知道是否正在被完全像您这样的人观察:)
[00:43.902]you're the transparent eyeball watching us all, (你是透明的眼球,看着我们所有人,)
[00:48.402]you're a scanner darkly, you're the camera's clear soul, (您是黑暗中的扫描仪,您是相机的清晰灵魂,)
[00:53.150]you're the man in the watchtower armed with a gun,-- (你是望塔上拿着枪的人,)
[00:57.398]you're the man who is a panopticon. (你是这个圆形监狱男人。)
[01:04.905]You wander home at five, but you don't really want to go (五点钟,你流浪回家,但是你真的不想去,)
[01:13.646]‘Cause you don't feel alive & you know you're never alone, (因为你感觉不到自己还活着,而且你知道自己永远不会孤单,)
[01:21.894]‘Cause there's always a watcher & you never can relax, (因为总是有一个观察者,你永远无法放松,)
[01:30.392]‘Cause in another sixteen hours you know you must go back: (因为再过十六个小时,您知道您必须回去:)
[01:41.657]you're the transparent eyeball watching us all, (你是透明的眼球,看着我们所有人,)
[01:46.655]you're a scanner darkly, you're the camera's clear soul, (您是黑暗中的扫描仪,您是相机的清晰灵魂,)
[01:51.400]you're the man in the watchtower armed with a gun,-- (你是望塔上拿着枪的人,)
[01:55.901]you're the man who is a panopticon. (你是这个圆形监狱男人。)
[02:03.656]Well, no one besides me knows you're a man of mystery, (好吧,除了我之外没有人知道你是一个神秘的男人,)
[02:11.651]but everyone I know attends you university, (但是我认识的每个人都上你大学,)
[02:20.154]& back in school, did you ever think your life would be this,-- (和大学毕业后,你是否曾经以为自己的生活会是这样:)
[02:29.147]a pupil payed not to blink while staring into abyss: (你是一个雇佣军的眼球,凝视着深渊而没有眨眼:)
[02:39.647]you're the transparent eyeball watching us all, (你是透明的眼球,看着我们所有人,)
[02:44.399]you're a scanner darkly, you're the camera's clear soul, (您是黑暗中的扫描仪,您是相机的清晰灵魂,)
[02:48.896]you're the man in the watchtower armed with a gun,-- (你是望塔上拿着枪的人,)
[02:53.411]you're the man who is a panopticon, (你是这个圆形监狱男人,)
[02:58.398]you're the man who is a panopticon, (你是这个圆形监狱男人,)
[03:02.900]you're the man who is the panopticon. (你是这个圆形监狱男人。)