

Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Dani California-Red Hot Chili Peppers.mp3
[00:08.00] [00:11.00]注:(日本动漫改编真人电影)『D...
[00:11.00]注:(日本动漫改编真人电影)『Death Note』 上部主题曲
[00:16.50]Getting born in the state of Mississippi〖出生于密西西比州〗
[00:18.50]Papa was a copper and her mama was a hippie〖爸爸是个警察 妈妈是个嬉皮士〗
[00:21.50]In Alabama she would swing a hammer〖在阿拉巴马州她会挥动铁鎚〗
[00:23.85]Price you got to pay when you pick the panorama〖全景拍摄必须付费〗
[00:26.50]She never knew that there was anything more than poor〖她除了贫穷外一无所知〗
[00:31.50]What in the world what does your company take me for〖天知道为何你的公司会录取我?〗
[00:36.10]Black bandana, sweet Louisiana〖黑色的丝质大手帕 甜美的路易斯安那州〗
[00:38.50]Robbing on a bank in the state of Indiana〖抢劫一家在印地安纳州的银行〗
[00:41.50]She\'s a runner, rebel and a stunner〖她是一个逃犯, 叛逆者和出色的人〗
[00:43.77]Condemned everywhere saying baby whatcha gonna〖到处被声讨竟然说着\"宝贝你想干嘛\"〗
[00:46.50]Looking down the barrel of a hot metal 45〖向着一个口径45的枪管看去〗
[00:51.50]Just another way to survive〖这只是另一种生存的方式〗
[00:57.50][01:52.50][03:02.50][03:25.15]California rest in peace〖加利福尼亚安息吧〗
[01:02.50][01:57.50][03:07.50][03:29.85]Simultaneous release〖同步释放〗
[01:07.50][02:02.50][03:12.50][03:34.85]California show your teeth〖加利福尼亚秀出你的利牙吧〗
[01:12.50][02:07.50][03:17.50][03:39.87]She\'s my priestess; I\'m your priest〖她是我的女祭司, 我是你的男祭司〗
[01:17.50][02:12.50][03:22.50][03:44.85]Yeah yeah
[01:31.85]She\'s a lover, baby and a fighter〖她是个情人, 宝贝和武者〗
[01:33.87]Shoulda seen it comin when it got a little brighter〖当时情况好转时应该看到她过来〗
[01:36.87]With a name like Dani California〖有着一个叫丹尼 加利福尼亚的名字〗
[01:38.86]Day was gonna come when I was gonna mourn ya\'〖我为你哀悼的那天就快到了〗
[01:41.87]A little loaded she was stealing another breath〖带著一点负担 她又偷着喘一口气〗
[01:46.50]I love my baby to death〖我爱死我的宝贝了〗
[02:17.50]Who knew the other side of you〖谁知道你的另一面〗
[02:22.50]Who knew what others died to prove〖谁知道他人为了证明什么而死〗
[02:27.30]Too true to say goodbye to you〖与你道别过于真实〗
[02:31.88]Too true too sad sad sad〖太真实 太悲伤〗
[02:36.95]Push the fader gifted animator〖推动着衰减器 一个天才的画家〗
[02:38.90]One for the now and eleven for the later〖一分为现在 十一分为将来〗
[02:41.85]Never made it up to Minnesota〖从来没成功的抵达明尼苏达州〗
[02:43.99]North Dakota man was gunning for the quota〖北达科塔州人为了配额举枪起义〗
[02:46.87]Down in the badlands she was saving the best for last〖在那不毛之地 她保留着最好的东西到最后〗
[02:51.50]It only hurts when I laugh〖只有当我笑时才会有痛楚〗
[02:57.50]Gone too fast〖消失得太快〗
[04:06.00]--------------The EnD---------------