

鬼水怪谈 - UnderStan

[00:00.000] 作词 : UnderStan [00:01.000] 作曲 : Un...
[00:00.000] 作词 : UnderStan
[00:01.000] 作曲 : UnderStan
[00:04.795]编曲 :RevivalMusic张杰峻
[00:16.568]Brave, keep brave (勇敢点,勇敢点)
[00:20.707]诶 wait!Quit Quick !The water around feel to break!(等等!快跑,感觉有水袭来)
[00:22.714]light a wee!light the grave!I cant mother****er find the Exit way!(抽支烟,点亮这座“坟墓”,快找个出口)
[00:26.225]Its a trick?!hollowenen trick?!Its not what my f*ckin fave?!ah!(这不是玩笑,我还希望这是个玩笑,这不是我的菜)
[00:29.732]封印的书籍 记载着如何去召唤邪灵的要点
[00:32.238]打破了禁忌 他却无法承受邪术反筮自身的咒怨
[00:35.495]潘多拉盒子 打开的方式 伴随着圣光的乍现
[00:38.004]已到了大限 没能去抱怨 次日清晨 残留的遗体会被人发现
[00:42.264]浸泡在液体 混杂着泄体 作案的痕迹
[00:44.772]推测着动机 但最后的眼神让人发现他临终前不可思议的表情恐惧的分泌
[00:48.530]腐烂的味道早已 chalk it 渗入到周围划线的粉笔
[00:51.788]仿佛是随笔 模糊的字迹 好像也和他一起 泡在过水里
[00:56.047]The water feels so coldly but my sprit feels hotter!(水很凉我的精神却似火烤)
[01:02.063]the jews leave me lonely I see ghost around the water!(我置身孤境仿佛看见幽魂出没在这水面)
[01:08.831]1 2 3 the sound like dilali(123声音像是水滴 )
[01:11.337]made the phonism just like  suo la mi(我仿佛幻听出了音符)
[01:14.595]Its familiar to be the melody(有点像一段旋律)
[01:18.363]I can hear didadi diadi didadi ei(我可以听到这水滴的旋律)
[01:22.121]时间扭转 我看到逝者留言
[01:24.877]我看到红 色的字迹想要去只身试探
[01:28.386]我在案 发现场独自等待午夜零点
[01:31.393]我突然 我听到 滴答滴滴答滴
[01:35.155]我拿起了录音的笔记 仿佛听到心跳的轨迹
[01:37.913]地面突然渗出了水迹 上涨的水面传来鼻息
[01:40.919]我知道我已深陷泥潭 hold on hold on
[01:48.688]The water feels so coldly but my sprit feels hotter!(水很凉我的精神却似火烤)
[01:54.954]the jews leave me lonely I see ghost around the water!(我置身孤境仿佛看见幽魂出没在这水面)
[02:01.471]1 2 3 the sound like dilali(123声音像是水滴 )
[02:04.729]made the phonism just like  suo la mi(我仿佛幻听出了音符)
[02:07.988]Its familiar to be the melody(有点像一段旋律)
[02:10.996]I can hear didadi diadi didadi ei(我可以听到这水滴的旋律)
[02:20.023]躯体我们 像一场交易 将对方占据
[02:26.289]它渐渐消失 眼里却出现
[02:28.545]暗痕冻结这世界 的视野
[02:34.309]余温灼烈我视线 中一切
[02:41.328]The water feels so coldly but my sprit feels hotter!(水很凉我的精神却似火烤)
[02:47.347]the jews leave me lonely I see ghost around the water!(我置身孤境仿佛看见幽魂出没在这水面)
[02:53.867]1 2 3 the sound like dilali(123声音像是水滴 )
[02:57.382]made the phonism just like  suo la mi(我仿佛幻听出了音符)
[03:00.641]Its familiar to be the melody(有点像一段旋律)
[03:03.900]I can hear didadi diadi didadi ei(我可以听到这水滴的旋律)
[03:07.662]Night hunters黑夜中的猎户
[03:09.668]in night to hunt us在夜境追捕我么
[03:10.669]in Water feed  us在水中生存
[03:11.420]From the Uterus 从我们的母体中
[03:13.426]feed to kill us ,feed to reform us让我们嗷嗷待宰重置生命
[03:15.934]We born to be haters我们生来被憎
[03:17.189]killing to stay last互相厮杀
[03:18.942]Who would stay last到底鹿死谁手
[03:20.696]To be the Judas to wait to sell us只有背叛者才能留在最后