

以时光相随 - 风华竹韵配音社,雨歆

[00:00.000] 作词 : 秋子岫 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 笙韵...
[00:00.000] 作词 : 秋子岫
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 笙韵啊啊啊啊
[00:17.644]他们说要 把坚强记牢
[00:20.152]They said they wanted to keep their strength in mind
[00:24.640]Run ahead
[00:28.894]You can't fall
[00:32.148]我知道 你一定煎熬
[00:35.152]I know you must suffer
[00:38.907]Everything's messed up
[00:43.378]But I want to say
[00:45.379]You're shining
[00:57.873]人海中的谁 正奔赴而来相会
[00:58.615]"Although the world is not perfect, believe that you match romance
[01:00.118]Who in the sea of men is coming to meet
[01:01.869]别纠结 他们划出的错对
[01:02.620]don't worry about the mistakes
[01:07.125]长长路途太累 我愿以时光相随”
[01:07.626]The long joumey is too tiring. I'd like to go with time"
[01:31.683]奔走一趟 要看看阳光
[01:35.502]A trip Look at the sun
[01:38.756]And loved ones
[01:42.259]Side by side on the road
[01:46.013]等天亮 未来或过往
[01:48.265]Wait till dawn or past
[01:54.021]Listen to me sing to you
[01:56.774]The lyrics are short
[01:59.277]Play for you alone
[02:04.288]Although the world is not perfect, please believe that you are enough to match romance
[02:08.287]人海中的谁 正奔赴而来相会
[02:10.291]Who in the sea of men is coming to meet
[02:15.544]别纠结 他们划出的错对
[02:16.796]don't worry about the mistakes
[02:21.802]长长路途太累 我愿以时光相随
[02:22.555]The long road is too tired I would like to go with time
[02:31.313]Although the world is not perfect, please believe that you are enough to match tenderness
[02:38.071]人海中的谁 正奔赴而来相会
[02:38.821]Who in the sea of men is coming to meet
[02:44.326]像此刻 我跨越千山万水
[02:46.078]Like I'm crossing mountains
[02:55.088]Just to tell you
[02:58.592]"Your presence is precious"