

第九期 2009年12月真题 文章(5/6) - 英语听力

第九期 2009年12月真题 文章(5/6)-英语听力.mp3
[00:00.07]Passage Three [00:02.63]It's logical to...
[00:00.07]Passage Three
[00:02.63]It's logical to suppose that things like good labour relations, good working conditions,
[00:09.08]good wages and benefits and job security motivate workers,
[00:13.92]but one expert, Fredrick Herzberg argued that such conditions do not motivate workers.
[00:21.82]They are merely satisfiers.
[00:24.81]Motivators,in contrast,include things such as having a challenging and interesting job,recognition and responsibility.
[00:34.04]However, even with the development of computers and robotics,
[00:39.65]there're always plenty of boring,repetitive and mechanical jobs and lots of unskilled people who have to do them.
[00:48.13]So how do mangers motivate people in such jobs?
[00:52.90]One solution is to give them some responsibilities, not as individuals, but as part of a team.
[01:01.24]For example, some supermarkets combine office stuff, the people who fill the shelves,
[01:08.22]and the people who work at the checkout into a team, and let them decide what product lines to stock,
[01:14.97]how to display them and so on.
[01:18.43]Many people now talk about the importance of a company's shared values or culture with which all the staff can identify,
[01:27.86]for example,being the best hotel chain,or making the best,
[01:33.62]the most user-friendly or the most reliable products in a particular field.
[01:38.12]Such values are more likely to motivate workers than financial targets which ultimately only concern a few people.
[01:46.94]Unfortunately, there's only a limited number of such goals to go around, and by definition,
[01:54.73]not all the competing companies in that industry can seriously plan to be the best.