

努力婊(Cover:洛天依 GUMI 乐正绫) - 周穆白

努力婊(Cover:洛天依 GUMI 乐正绫)-周穆白.mp3
[00:00.000] 作词 : 冰镇甜豆浆 [00:01.000] 作曲 :...
[00:00.000] 作词 : 冰镇甜豆浆
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 潜移默化
[00:02.942]作词 : 冰镇甜豆浆
[00:04.193]作曲 : 潜移默化
[00:09.943]She grins, she talks, she barks like a dog
[00:14.943]She takes the chances as the god of all
[00:18.192]She smirks, Be famous, she is nothing but ashes
[00:21.694]Pretending to be almighty, her pleasures of bragging
[00:25.193]想做最勤快的猫 居功自傲
[00:28.693]想买最酷炫的表 水涨船高
[00:32.443]众星捧月的浪潮 高处一览众山小
[00:36.195]不努力就自爆 机会我全抓牢
[00:39.945]Novice,hypocrite, she rises like a fox
[00:43.695]She holds are more than a lot
[00:47.194]She thinks it's a marathon when it's not even a step
[00:51.195]When all she does makes her a HARDER-WORKING *****
[00:54.696]动人的谎话 独享那尔虞我诈
[01:01.696]一副漂亮嘴巴 拙劣技法 空心的炮塔
[01:08.696]So she gotta chance, talk it up, have some sense, one more hand, no more rants,
[01:14.123]Break it up, off to dance
[01:16.123]So she gotta chance, make it up, have a plan, get it tense,
[01:20.374]Open lens, set the fire, through the vents
[01:23.625]So she acts like such, and she lies too much
[01:27.624]Kind to be a ha-ha-hardworking *****
[01:31.125]So she acts like such, and she lies too much
[01:35.126]Kind to be a ha-ha-hardworking *****
[01:38.725]画面不是太美妙 补点妆就好
[01:42.475]占领最中央海报 你们也配?
[01:46.977]众星捧月的浪潮 高处一览众山小
[01:50.726]现实让我桀骜 孤芳也闪耀
[01:53.725]Novice,hypocrite, she rises like a fox
[01:57.727]The lies she holds are more than a lot
[02:04.726]She thinks it's a marathon when it's not even a step
[02:08.226]When all she does makes her a HARDER-WORKING *****
[02:08.897]动人的谎话 独享那尔虞我诈
[02:15.397]一副漂亮嘴巴 拙劣技法 空心的炮塔
[02:22.399]So she gotta chance, talk it up, have some sense, one more hand, no more rants,
[02:27.899]Break it up, off to dance
[02:30.149]So she gotta chance, make it up, have a plan,
[02:34.398]Get it tense, open lens, set the fire, through the vents
[02:38.399]So she acts like such, and she lies too much
[02:41.398]Kind to be a ha-ha-hardworking *****
[02:44.899]So she acts like such, and she lies too much
[02:48.899]Kind to be a ha-ha-hardworking *****
[02:52.149]She grins, she talks, she barks like a dog
[02:56.649]She takes the chances as the god of all
[03:00.400]She smirks, Be famous, she is nothing but ashes
[03:03.901]Pretending to be almighty, her pleasures of bragging
[03:07.651]动人的谎话 独享那尔虞我诈
[03:14.650]一副漂亮嘴巴 拙劣技法 空心的炮塔
[03:21.651]So she gotta chance, talk it up, have some sense, one more hand, no more rants,
[03:28.152]Break it up, off to dance
[03:30.151]So she gotta chance, make it up, have a plan,
[03:33.153]Get it tense, open lens, set the fire, through the vents
[03:36.653]So she acts like such, and she lies too much
[03:39.652]Kind to be a ha-ha-hardworking *****
[03:44.154]So she acts like such, and she lies too much
[03:47.829]Kind to be a ha-ha-hardworking *****