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Diana - Frankie Avalon

Diana-Frankie Avalon.mp3
[00:00.0]Diana - Frankie Avalon [00:06.78] [00:...
[00:00.0]Diana - Frankie Avalon
[00:06.78]I'm so young and you're so old
[00:10.12]This my darling
[00:11.65]我正年轻 你已经老去
[00:11.65]I've been told
[00:13.51]亲爱的 这些我被告知很多次了
[00:13.51]I don't care just what they say
[00:16.91]Cause forever I will pray
[00:20.34]You and I will be asfree
[00:23.69]As the birds up in the trees
[00:27.08]Oh please stand by me
[00:33.45]亲爱的戴安娜 和我在一起吧
[00:40.82]Thrills I get when you hold me close
[00:44.22]亲爱的 你是所有
[00:44.22]Oh my darling you're the most
[00:47.64]亲爱的 我爱你 你爱我吗
[00:47.64]I love you but do you love me
[00:51.08]戴安娜 难道你还不知道吗
[00:51.08]Oh Diana can't you see
[00:54.52]I love you with all my heart
[00:57.92]And I hope we'll never part
[01:01.39]亲爱的 和我一直在一起吧
[01:01.39]Oh please stay with me Diana
[01:15.37]亲爱的 宝贝
[01:15.37]Oh my darlin' Oh my lover
[01:18.87]Tell me that there is no other
[01:22.33]I love you
[01:24.03]With my heart
[01:28.87]Only you can take my heart
[01:32.3]Only you can tear it apart
[01:35.68]When you hold me in your loving arms
[01:39.119995]I can fel you giving all your charm
[01:42.6]抱紧我 宝贝 紧紧地抱着我
[01:42.6]Hold me darling
[01:44.259995]尽你所有可能紧紧拥抱我 宝贝
[01:44.259995]Hold me tight
[01:45.94]请和我在一起吧 戴安娜
[01:45.94]Squeeze me baby with all your might
[01:49.369995]答应我吧 戴安娜
[01:49.369995]Oh please stand by me Diana
[01:59.7]亲爱的 我的宝贝
[01:59.7]Oh please Diana
[02:06.78]Oh my darlin' and Oh my lover
[02:10.27]Tell me that there is no other
[02:13.61]I love you
[02:15.29]With my heart
[02:20.34]Only you can take my heart
[02:23.6]Only you can tear it apart
[02:27.0]When you hold me in your loving arms
[02:30.43]抱紧我 宝贝 紧紧地抱着我
[02:30.43]I can fel you giving all your charm
[02:33.88]尽你所有可能紧紧拥抱我 宝贝
[02:33.88]Hold me darling
[02:35.52]请和我在一起吧 戴安娜
[02:35.52]Hold me tight
[02:37.2]答应我吧 戴安娜
[02:37.2]Squeeze me baby with all your might
[02:42.2]答应我吧 戴安娜