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巾帼(With Hook Instrumental) - Swaggie杨舒涵

巾帼(With Hook Instrumental)-Swaggie杨舒涵.mp3
[00:00.0]巾帼 [00:03.95]作词:Swaggie杨舒涵 [00:07...
[00:10.02]Prod by:Devil Son
[00:18.76]check it
[00:24.2]我是位歌手 但也会跳舞
[00:26.49]不是那武松 上台也能打老虎(so cool)
[00:38.98]还要能屈能伸能上能下 能文能武
[00:41.36]说唱歌手需要浑身是胆 龙潭虎穴真心话大冒险
[00:45.94]过山车的剧情随时反转 愿披荆斩棘归来恰似少年
[00:51.38]说唱歌手需要浑身是胆 唇枪舌战再将领土攻占
[00:56.0]光鲜亮丽外加秀色可餐 台前幕后无常喜忧参半
[01:03.48]lalalalalalala lalalalala
[01:05.11]swag swag Swaggie take you fly
[01:06.23]lalalalalalala lalalalala
[01:11.09]lalalalalalala lalalalala
[01:13.88]swag swag Swaggie take you fly
[01:15.96]lalalalalalala lalalalala
[01:23.5]没有那退路所有只能选择向前冲(so cool)
[01:25.33]奔跑吧rapper一场游戏一场梦 里我们正在忙着大闹天宫
[01:30.19]十八般武艺 闪转腾挪飞檐走壁
[01:32.67]身怀绝技 反转成佛着铁斗笠
[01:35.009995]快去吃枸杞 小心手癖 要做个手艺人
[01:37.41]我不用手臂 焦灼口技 让你心并焚
[01:40.380005]one for the money two for the show 有江湖的地方 就有歌手
[01:45.29]three get ready now hands up 谁是大牌谁是小丑
[01:50.240005]one for the money two for the show 有江湖的地方 就有歌手
[01:55.020004]three get ready now hands up 战争没有硝烟 成王败寇
[02:01.27]I’m singer Swaggie rapper Swaggie
[02:03.2]I being around the world,they know me Swaggie
[02:04.72]I’m singer Swaggie rapper Swaggie
[02:07.03]I don’t give bout your girl,they want me Swaggie
[02:10.17]I’m good girl Swaggie bad girl Swaggie
[02:12.17]Do the real Thangalang they call me Swaggie
[02:14.96]They love me Swaggie hate me Swaggie
[02:17.0]But till the end they need me Swaggie
[02:20.86]girls go wild
[02:23.34]boys go wild
[02:25.57]everybody go wild
[02:28.15]it’s swaggie
[02:49.95]lalalalalalala lalalalala
[02:51.42]swag swag Swaggie take you fly
[02:53.87]lalalalalalala lalalalala
[02:58.76]lalalalalalala lalalalala
[03:01.22]swag swag Swaggie take you fly
[03:03.8]lalalalalalala lalalalala