

Reverse - 戾仁Lyrin,施鑫文月,Viitomatic

[00:00.000] 作词 : 戾仁Lyrin/施鑫文月/Viitomatic [...
[00:00.000] 作词 : 戾仁Lyrin/施鑫文月/Viitomatic
[00:00.011] 作曲 : 戾仁Lyrin/施鑫文月/Viitomatic
[00:00.023]Voiceover:吴佩祺, Jack Thompson
[00:00.247]Thompson & $HI
[00:00.988]Bro take the exist /改下高速路了!/
[00:03.740]Hold on hold on what is the song on the radio /等等这什么歌啊/
[00:06.748]I don’t know some new age jazz stuff /不知道,新的爵士吧/
[00:09.745]Ain’t no Jazz I ever heard /从来没听过這种/
[00:12.241]It’s 21st century people do all kinds of crazy stuff /都21世纪了很多人都开始做一些无厘头的事情/
[00:17.002]Maybe we should go back /哎,希望我们往回走吧/
[00:19.495]Man, stop tripping /别,你想多了/
[00:36.738]Reminiscing the good old days /回想那些黄金嘻哈时代/
[00:38.247]When marketing isn’t the forte /那是后市场促销不是音乐人的强项/
[00:39.488]All the rapper got to go blaze /每个rapper都要开启最佳状态/
[00:40.743]Every time they stand up and spit flame /当他们在舞台上表演的时候/
[00:42.242]Let me tell you how the rappers rap /我告诉你现在rapper怎么唱/
[00:43.738]They talk about cash and Cadillac /一直在说金钱和豪车/
[00:45.247]Don’t let me battle with you cuz I got your business thrown in the trash /千万别让我与你battle 我会把你rap生意丢进垃圾堆/
[00:59.242]Let me switch a flow /让我换一个Flow/
[01:00.491]A new blood in the show /一个新的血液在流淌进这说唱的市场/
[01:01.747]Coming in hot will not forget my root doh /来的很热但从不会忘掉我的出处/
[01:04.869]Messing with rhymes on the bus eating churros I ain’t got no time for your ego /记得年轻的时候在巴士上吃着churros玩弄着韵脚/
[01:10.318]Toe to toe to the biggest foe to decapitate the hypocrite Ali Bombaye /面对面挑战最恶毒的敌人 段首这些伪君子 “杀了他 阿里” 观众们说 /
[01:15.564]That’s the title of tomorrow’s google I’m Ali you are... /这是明天百度的头条 “我是 Ali你是...” /
[01:24.309]你写的什么东西啊 能不能做点让别人听得懂的音乐
[01:28.568]我听了你的歌 你这什么奇怪的东西啊
[01:37.566]这什么垃圾东西啊 写不出来就别写了
[01:44.068]You don't find art no more, this just an industry【在这商业帝国面前,难以寻得艺术】
[01:47.064]They ain't putting heart in recordings, they flowing ignorantly【不再用心做音乐,都不学无术】
[01:50.064]Having wet dreams of getting girls and the limousines【一个个对跑车美女魂牵梦萦】
[01:52.812]Hip Hop was like nothing in infancy, now it's pigeon feed【年幼时嘻哈无人问津,现在都饥渴难耐】
[01:55.565]All want pieces of the pie, used to be a way to free your mind【以前是为了精神自由,现在都想分一杯羹】
[01:58.814]The beats was live, and rappers didn't need a dime【以前伴奏都是现场演奏,说唱也不需要钱】
[02:01.065]Now I see these times, young artists is now the greedy kind【再放眼看现在,年轻艺人们都无比贪婪】
[02:03.817]In disguise, neophytes, the game has now been redefined【初学者们伪装老炮,这游戏已被重新定义】
[02:06.314]The truth is, you might never see a profit from your music【但现实呢?你可能永远赚不了音乐的钱】
[02:09.310]Half of Chinese artists can attest to that, they was clueless【中国一半的音乐人可以为此作证】
[02:12.562]Making thirteen times less than Americans, need solutions【平均收入低美国音乐人13倍,需要解决】
[02:14.813]Million fish in one pond, make it watered down and diluted【百万条鱼跻身一个池塘,收入都被稀释了】
[02:18.062]Imagine that, that's what we struggle with, got no budgeting【甚至没有预算,这就是我们面对的问题,想象一下吧】
[02:21.069]Most don't try to be original, recycle other things【大部分音乐人不是真的原创,重复别人的歌曲】
[02:23.570]Do one style their whole life, or sound like they covering【有的人一辈子就那一首好歌,有的听起来总在抄袭】
[02:26.319]Plus got labels on the puppet strings, got them mumbling【再加上商业大佬操盘,都在含糊其辞】
[02:29.316]Steal from other countries, say it's theirs to the public【从国外抄袭的东西,再改成自己的名字】
[02:32.311]Catalogues sound like dubbing, turn the game into rubbish【大榜上的歌像译制品,这圈子变成垃圾场】
[02:34.564]Wish I was never born, but couldn't do this if I wasn't【希望自己从未出生在这年代,但如若不然这首歌也不复存在】
[02:37.813]I just want to make music everyday, cause I love it【我只想每天写写歌,因为单纯的热爱】