

No Church On Sunday - Princess Chelsea

No Church On Sunday-Princess Chelsea.mp3
[00:13:00]There's thunder in the hallway走廊里传来...
[00:13:00]There's thunder in the hallway走廊里传来轰鸣的雷电声
[00:21:00]And orgy in the lounge休息室里万众欢腾
[00:28:23]A shopping trolley in the bathroom浴室里停放着一辆购物车
[00:35:56]A fire in the yard后院里燃起熊熊火焰
[00:56:00]They put my brother into water他们将我弟弟按入水中
[01:04:00]But they forget about me却忽视了我的存在
[01:10:45]I lost my faith in a moment我霎那间丢失了信仰
[01:19:00]Dear god let me be上帝啊,饶恕我吧
[01:24:78]Cuz there ain't no church on Sunday for me因为对我而言,周日不再有礼拜
[01:32:79]Ain't no church on Sunday周日不再有礼拜
[01:39:87]Ain't no church on Sunday for me对我而言,周日不再有礼拜
[01:47:00]Ain't no church on Sunday周日不再有礼拜
[02:01:00]Last night I saw my parents昨晚我遇见我的父母
[02:08:00]Thought they had disowned me我以为他们已将我抛弃
[02:14:50]They bought me dinner from McDonald's他们为我买来麦当劳作为晚餐
[02:21:78]Because it's my favorite因为那是我的最爱
[02:28:75]But there's still no church on Sunday然而对我而言,周日仍不再有礼拜
[02:36:70]Ain't no church on Sunday周日不再有礼拜
[02:43:80]Still no church on Sunday for me对我而言,周日仍不再有礼拜
[02:50:78]Ain't no church on Sunday周日不再有礼拜
[03:40:70]Ain't no church on Sunday for me对我而言,周日不再有礼拜
[03:47:80]Ain't no church on Sunday周日不再有礼拜
[03:55:00]Ain't no church on Sunday for me对我而言,周日不再有礼拜
[04:02:00]Ain't no church on Sunday周日不再有礼拜