

sleeping on the floor - Powfu

sleeping on the floor-Powfu.mp3
[00:00.0]sleeping on the floor (Explicit) - Powfu...
[00:00.0]sleeping on the floor (Explicit) - Powfu
[00:00.37]Lyrics by:Isaiah Faber/Nathan Cavalli
[00:01.17]Composed by:Isaiah Faber/Nathan Cavalli
[00:09.19]I like being the kid that no one looks at
[00:12.23]But im sick of eating pockets and fruit snacks
[00:16.11]但我厌倦了吃Pockets和Fruit Snacks的零食
[00:16.11]People always searching for the new wave
[00:18.76]Blowing up on Monday then im falling off on Tuesday
[00:22.2]星期一那天备受青睐 到了星期二 我就沦落至无人问津的地步
[00:22.2]Toxins moving boxes im off topic
[00:25.32]沉迷于药物 吞云吐雾 我飘飘欲仙
[00:25.32]I want this but she treating me like im an option
[00:28.73]我志在必得 但她却把我当成一个选择
[00:28.73]Its awful wake up ego waffles
[00:31.78]糟糕透顶 醒来之后 享用美味的华夫饼
[00:31.78]We were fighting last night
[00:33.32]昨晚我们争吵不休 但我依然热血沸腾
[00:33.32]But my
[00:33.89]Blood boiling hot still
[00:35.52]Memories in your bed still flashing
[00:38.8]Watching green eyed serpents hatching
[00:42.16]片刻过后 我会偷来钥匙 开启属于我的欢乐天堂
[00:42.16]Mice inside my basement scratching
[00:45.58]多年以来 蜷缩在地上酣然入睡
[00:45.58]Soon ill steal the keys to a place where im happy
[00:48.63]Sleeping on the floor for years now
[00:51.47]我不禁好奇 鸟儿能否感同身受
[00:51.47]Everything you say is draining me
[00:54.86]多么希望我能插上翅膀 恣意飞翔
[00:54.86]I wonder if the birds can feel s**t
[00:58.08]I wish I had wings to carry me
[01:01.28]Imma fly over the ocean
[01:04.39]强势来袭 轰动全场
[01:04.39]Feathers looking golden
[01:05.7]Breaking in and blowing up
[01:07.48]Before the doors closing
[01:09.34]伴着音乐 将我的真心倾注这首歌里
[01:09.34]Ill be that Kid that nobody was watching
[01:11.03]片刻过后 他们会打来电话
[01:11.03]Pouring my heart out on beats on this project
[01:12.71]Soon they be calling
[01:13.76]别担心 妈妈
[01:13.76]Wrong number
[01:14.37]Dont worry mama
[01:15.18]Ill get you that hummer
[01:16.07]犹如拖把一般拖累着我的生活 赶紧住手
[01:16.07]This water is filling my boots to the top
[01:17.81]Pulling my life like a mop stop this
[01:19.729996]但我会让你与我一路同行 你是我拥有的一切
[01:19.729996]You making it heavier
[01:20.69]But im taking you with me you all that I got
[01:23.32]在我们的时间终结之时 希望我们取得胜利
[01:23.32]Just enough money for like 5 months
[01:26.59]Hope we winning when our times up
[01:43.35]Memories in your bed still flashing
[01:46.31]Watching green eyed serpents hatching
[01:49.740005]片刻过后 我会偷来钥匙 开启属于我的欢乐天堂
[01:49.740005]Mice inside my basement scratching
[01:53.06]多年以来 蜷缩在地上酣然入睡
[01:53.06]Soon ill steal the keys to a place where im happy
[01:56.34]Sleeping on the floor for years now
[01:58.869995]我不禁好奇 鸟儿能否感同身受
[01:58.869995]Everything you say is draining me
[02:03.869995]多么希望我能插上翅膀 恣意飞翔