

夏天一起回英国(伴奏) - FLY詹

[00:00.000] 作词 : 无 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 无 [00:20...
[00:00.000] 作词 : 无
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 无
[00:20.104]I know it’s been a hard time  we going through
[00:24.617]I am standing right here talking to you
[00:28.126]Coronavirus isn’t a bad flu  catching it    trust me   it’s not ****ing cool
[00:29.381]COVID-19真的不是病毒 当你感染后才知道有多痛苦
[00:32.388]From Italy Spain to America
[00:34.644]You gotta have cuts to face   a load of drama
[00:36.151]We did our best to fight until midnight
[00:37.908]Really the time  we need human being unite or we die
[00:41.166]Tell me why
[00:44.176]We believe so-called the Truth
[00:46.433]Virus just become  racism excuse
[00:48.438]Laughing head off dying on the ground
[00:49.190]大笑一场 满地鸡毛
[00:49.694]When this is gonna end  bhave like a clown
[00:49.945]什么时候我们才可以结束这场战斗  变得不像小丑?
[00:50.946]Here we go  everybody working from home
[00:54.456]You are not alone
[00:55.961]Pass me the microphone
[00:57.965]I ani’t lie since I was born, it’s wrong to ignore it’s not birdsong
[01:00.722]从小到大我从不说话 千万别忽视这场病毒 这不是玩笑
[01:09.246]变化莫测 分享你我的力量 去看夏天一起到来的彩虹
[01:13.264]第一步 洗手20秒的定律千万不要忘
[01:16.016]Happy Birthday 的旋律心中一直在回想
[01:21.280]多多少少 要给生活多一点 仪式感,即使不用通勤也要zoom吃个饭
[01:25.545]每天在家不知道去跟谁说说话  我的微信常开随时联系就像家
[01:29.057]记着打给你的爸爸  嘴上不说 和妈妈 每天祈祷你平平安安顺利回家
[01:35.575]忘掉时差 家还是家  带好口罩多给爸妈通通话 才是实话
[01:40.091]Say goodbye 吧  酒吧蹦迪周末夜生活  Let’s meet up again hold a  party 在中国
[01:48.117]每天dressed up有模有样  mind the gap 在家也可以模仿 从客厅走到厨房 想起了英国上学美好时光
[01:51.376]mimimamihong  it’s  too late to make up   when your loved ones one gone
[02:01.156]一路走过 点滴努力我守候 坚信笑脸一定会在你左右
[02:03.162]Peace and love is on the way
[02:05.420]Bulk buying is very not necessary
[02:07.677]Help each other especially the elders,
[02:09.687]only work together please “ order order!” 共同抗击疫情才是正解
[02:13.697]Keep the social distance  makes million differences
[02:13.947]保持社交距离 有益无害
[02:15.704]Chinese people’s left tears to build up your confidence
[02:18.963]隔离在家不要害怕   你有我承诺