

Windflowers - 群星

[00:0.0]Windel owers - 群星 [00:7.77]// [00:7.77]W...
[00:0.0]Windel owers - 群星
[00:7.77]Windflowers my father told me not to go near them
[00:14.64]风之花 我的父亲告诉我不要靠近它们
[00:14.64]He said he feared them always and he told me that they carried him away
[00:28.27]他一直畏惧这些花儿 他说花儿令他神迷
[00:28.27]Windflowers beautiful windflowers I couldn't wait to touch them
[00:34.08]风之花 美丽的风之花 我等不及要触碰它们
[00:34.08]To smell them I held them closely and now I cannot break away
[00:47.29]为了嗅闻它们 我紧紧拥抱它们 如今情深难以自拔
[00:47.29]Their sweet bouquet disappears like a vapor in the desert
[00:56.79]那芳香的花束凋零了 犹如水气消失沙漠中
[00:56.79]So take a warning son
[01:13.78]要小心啊 孩子
[01:13.78]Windflowers ancient windflowers their beauty captures every
[01:23.27]风之花 古老的风之花 它的美丽俘获了
[01:23.27]Young dreamer who lingers near them
[01:30.35]But ancient windflowers I love you
[01:43.78]但是古老的风之花 我爱你
[01:48.57]My father told me not to
[01:53.88]Go near them
[01:56.17]He feared them always
[01:63.98]Said they carried him away
[01:77.]I couldn't wait to touch them
[01:82.22]To smell them
[01:84.5]I held them closely
[01:92.63]Now I cannot break away
[02:06.8]Their sweet bouquet disappears
[02:19.]Like a vapor in the desert
[02:28.27]Take a warning son
[02:39.08]要小心啊 孩子
[02:44.62]Their beauty captures every
[02:49.3]Young dreamer
[02:51.7]Who lingers near them
[02:59.5]Ancient windflowers I love you
[02:80.65]古老的风之花 我爱你
[02:80.65]群星 - Windel owers