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They Don't Care About Us-《热血街舞团》第六期背景音乐 - Michael Jackson

They Don't Care About Us-《热血街舞团》第六期背景音乐-Michael Jackson.mp3
[00:00.1]They Don't Care About Us (他们不在乎我们)...
[00:00.1]They Don't Care About Us (他们不在乎我们) (《热血街舞团》第六期背景音乐) - Michael Jackson (迈克尔·杰克逊)
[00:00.2]Written by:Michael Jackson
[00:03.58]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[00:06.25]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[00:08.6]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[00:11.31]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[00:13.62]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[00:16.7]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[00:44.93]Skinhead Deadhead Everybody Gone bad
[00:47.18]Situation Aggravation Everybody Allegation
[00:47.19]人面兽心 行尸走肉 所有人都变坏了
[00:49.88]In the suite On the news Everybody dog food Bang bang
[00:49.89]见风使舵 投机倒把 所有人都值得起诉
[00:52.83]Shock dead Everybody's Gone mad
[00:52.84]在庭上 在新闻里 所有人都一文不值
[00:55.23]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[00:55.24]开枪声吓人 所有人都愤怒了
[01:00.53]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[01:00.54]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[01:06.13]Beat me Hate me You can never Break me
[01:06.14]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[01:08.479996]Will me thrill me you can never kill me
[01:08.49]打击我 憎恨我 但你永远无法击垮我
[01:11.18]Jew me sue me everybody do me kick me
[01:11.19]利诱我 威胁我 但你永远无法杀死我
[01:14.53]Don't you Black or white me
[01:14.54]我是犹太人 你就要告我 所有人都想整我
[01:16.63]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[01:16.64]我是犹太人 你就要踢我 证明了你颠倒是非黑白
[01:21.94]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[01:21.94]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[01:27.94]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[01:27.94]Tell me what has become of my life
[01:30.39]I have a wife and two children who love me
[01:32.990005]I am the victim of police brutality now
[01:38.64]I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
[01:40.84]Your rapin' me of my pride
[01:42.990005]Oh for God's sake
[01:44.19]啊 究竟为了什么
[01:44.19]I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy
[01:47.54]Set me free
[01:48.79]Skinhead Deadhead Everybody Gone bad
[01:51.240005]人面兽心 行尸走肉 所有人都变坏了
[01:51.240005]Situation Aggravation Everybody Allegation
[01:53.84]见风使舵 投机倒把 所有人都值得起诉
[01:53.84]In the suite On the news Everybody Dog food
[01:56.59]在庭上 在新闻里 所有人都一文不值
[01:56.59]Black man black mail throw the brother in jail
[01:59.240005]有小人告密 将我们这些患难同胞投入监狱
[01:59.240005]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[02:04.59]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[02:04.59]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[02:10.74]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[02:10.74]Tell me what has become of my rights
[02:13.14]Am I invisible 'cause you ignore me
[02:15.64]Your proclamation promised me free liberty now
[02:21.09]I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
[02:23.59]They're throwin' me in a class with a bad name
[02:26.49]I can't believe this is the land from witch I came
[02:30.85]You know I really do hate to say it
[02:33.75]The government don't wanna see
[02:36.4]But if roosevelt was livin' he wouldn't let this be no no
[02:42.05]但罗斯福活着 他绝不会让这一切发生 不 不
[02:42.05]Skinhead Deadhead Everybody Gone bad
[02:44.6]人面兽心 行尸走肉 所有人都变坏了
[02:44.6]Situation speculation Everybody litigation
[02:47.25]见风使舵 投机倒把 所有人都值得起诉
[02:47.25]Beat me bash me you can never trash me
[02:49.9]打击我 怒殴我 但你永远无法击废我
[02:49.9]Hit me kick me you can never get me
[02:52.65] 袭击我 践踏我 但你永远无法打垮我
[02:52.65]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[02:55.8]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[02:55.8]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[03:03.45]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[03:25.4]Some things in life they just don't wanna see
[03:29.9]But if Martin Luther was livin'
[03:32.56]He wouldn't let this be
[03:35.41]Skinhead Deadhead Everybody Gone bad
[03:37.91]人面兽心 行尸走肉 所有人都变坏了
[03:37.91]Situation Aggravation Everybody Allegation
[03:40.61]见风使舵 投机倒把 所有人都值得起诉
[03:40.61]In the suite On the news Everybody Dog food
[03:43.26]在庭上 在新闻里 所有人都一文不值
[03:43.26]Kick me kike me don't you wrong or right me
[03:46.11]绊倒我 毁谤我 并且对我指手画脚
[03:46.11]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[03:51.45999]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[03:51.45999]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[03:56.70999]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们
[03:56.70999]All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
[03:56.70999]我只是想说 有谁在乎我们