

Life Itself - Glass Animals

Life Itself-Glass Animals.mp3
[00:00.02]Life Itself (生活本身) - Glass Animals (...
[00:00.02]Life Itself (生活本身) - Glass Animals (玻璃动物乐队)
[00:01.0]Written by:Dave Bayley/Glass Animals
[00:51.87]Daddy was dumb said that I'd be something special
[00:56.23]我真希望爸爸没有对我说 有朝一日我会成为一个成功之人
[00:56.23]Brought me up tough but I was a gentle human
[01:00.47]他含辛茹苦地将我抚养长大 但是我却性情温和 缺乏激情
[01:00.47]Said that he loved each of my two million freckles
[01:04.72]When I grew up was gonna be a superstar
[01:09.020004]当我长大的时候 我会成为一个超级巨星
[01:09.020004]I can't get a job so I live with my mom
[01:12.97]而今我无法找到工作 所以我只能与妈妈一起生活
[01:12.97]I take her money but not quite enough
[01:17.46]我花着她的钱 但是那仍然不够
[01:17.46]I sit in the car and I listen to static
[01:21.64]我终日坐在豪车里 听着音乐
[01:21.64]She said I look fat but I look fantastic
[01:26.11]她说我看起来很胖 但是其实我看起来棒极了
[01:26.11]Come back down to my knees
[01:28.13]Gotta get back gotta get free
[01:30.42]我一定要重新振作 一定要获得自由
[01:30.42]Come back down to my knees
[01:32.35]Be like them lean back and breathe
[01:34.78]我要像他们那样沉着冷静 坚定不移
[01:34.78]Come back down to my knees
[01:36.53]Gotta get back gotta get free
[01:39.009995]我一定要重新振作 一定要获得自由
[01:39.009995]Come back down to my knees
[01:40.869995]Gotta get back gotta get free
[01:47.479996]我一定要重新振作 一定要获得自由
[01:47.479996]I'm waking up lost in boxes outside Tesco
[01:51.869995]我曾迷失于特斯科外边的众多包厢里 现在慢慢清醒过来
[01:51.869995]Look like a bum sipping codeine Coca-Cola
[01:56.07]Thought that I was northern Camden's own Flash Gordon
[02:00.4]我曾幻想我也可以像卡姆登以及Flash Gordon一样成为风云人物
[02:00.4]Sonic ray gun gonna be a superstar
[02:04.61]拥有高科技手枪 我将会成为一个超级巨星
[02:04.61]I can't get a job so I live with my mom
[02:08.67]而今我无法找到工作 所以我只能与妈妈一起生活
[02:08.67]I take her money but not quite enough
[02:12.92]我花着她的钱 但是那仍然不够
[02:12.92]I make my own fun in Grandmama's basement
[02:17.41]Said I look mad she said I look wasted
[02:21.83]她说我看起来精神错乱 似乎已经无药可救
[02:21.83]Come back down to my knees
[02:23.75]Gotta get back gotta get free
[02:26.04001]我一定要重新振作 一定要获得自由
[02:26.04001]Come back down to my knees
[02:27.95999]Be like them lean back and breathe
[02:30.45]我要像他们那样沉着冷静 坚定不移
[02:30.45]Come back down to my knees
[02:32.2]Gotta get back gotta get free
[02:34.66]我一定要重新振作 一定要获得自由
[02:34.66]Come back down to my knees
[02:36.47]Be like them lean back and breathe
[03:39.05]我要像他们那样沉着冷静 坚定不移
[03:39.05]Come back down to my knees
[03:40.78]Gotta get back gotta get free
[03:43.32]我一定要重新振作 一定要获得自由
[03:43.32]Come back down to my knees
[03:45.12]Be like them lean back and breathe
[03:47.65]我要像他们那样沉着冷静 坚定不移
[03:47.65]Come back down to my knees
[03:49.3]Gotta get back gotta get free
[03:51.79001]我一定要重新振作 一定要获得自由
[03:51.79001]Come back down to my knees
[03:53.65]Be like them lean back and breathe
[03:56.14]我要像他们那样沉着冷静 坚定不移
[03:56.14]Come back down to my knees
[03:58.0]Gotta get back gotta get free
[04:00.33]我一定要重新振作 一定要获得自由
[04:00.33]Come back down to my knees
[04:02.16]Be like them lean back and breathe
[04:07.16]我要像他们那样沉着冷静 坚定不移