

第二十四期 (4/7) - 英语听力

第二十四期 (4/7)-英语听力.mp3
[00:00.46]When John Milton, writer of Paradise Los...
[00:00.46]When John Milton, writer of Paradise Lost, entered Cambridge University in 1625,
[00:08.73]he was already skilled in Latin after seven years of studying it
[00:13.60]as his second language at St. Paul's school, London.
[00:17.75]Like all English boys who prepared for college in grammar school,
[00:22.41]he had learned not only to read Latin but also to speak and write it fluently and correctly.
[00:28.82]His pronunciation of Latin was English, however,
[00:32.93]and seemed to have sounded strange to his friends when he later visited Italy.
[00:38.89]Schoolboys gained their skill in Latin in a bitter way.
[00:43.25]They memorized rules to make learning by heart easier.
[00:46.91]They first made a word-for-word translation and then an idiomatic translation into English.
[00:53.48]As they increased their skill, they translated their English back into Latin without referring to the book
[01:00.22]and then compared their translation with the original.
[01:03.93]The schoolmaster was always at hand to encourage them.
[01:07.57]After several years of study,the boys began to write compositions in imitation of the Latin writers they read.
[01:16.00]And as they began to read Latin poems, they began to write poems in Latin.
[01:22.23]Because Milton was already a poet at ten,
[01:25.17]his poems were much better than those painfully put together by other boys.
[01:31.05]During the seven years Milton spent at the university, he made constant use of his command of Latin.
[01:38.65]He wrote some excellent Latin poems which he published among his works in 1645.