

与历史有关的几个理论(4/6) - 英语听力

[00:00.00]It all depends upon what stage of civili...
[00:00.00]It all depends upon what stage of civilization we happen to be living in.
[00:06.73]Indeed, it has been said that
[00:09.04]the average modern literate city dweller
[00:11.25]is comparatively more ignorant of his era's fund of knowledge
[00:16.74]than other literate city dwellers of the past.
[00:19.70]While the staggering fund of knowledge in our technologically advanced world
[00:24.88]is undoubtedly greater than that of any past civilization,
[00:28.35]it is probably true that the average modern man,
[00:32.88]relying on such repetitive forms of entertainment
[00:36.69]as television and working in a narrowly specialized job,
[00:39.27]knows a great deal less sheer information about his world
[00:43.41]than the earlier people.