

对UAE出口的演讲(2/3) - 英语听力

Like everyone else they don't like unreliability,...
Like everyone else they don't like unreliability, whether in terms of getting the goods there when you promised them or the performance of the product itself. Above all, however, they insist on your meeting their high expectations regarding after-sales service. And being a small market, geographically speaking, businessmen tend to know each other, so once you do a good job for one customer, then the news travel fast round the UAE and you'll soon be getting orders from other agencies or whatever, because they've heard about you. But be warned - it also works the other way. Another point to bear in mind that's true of nearly all markets, but, believe me, it is particularly true of the UAE. Don't imagine mailshots or emails are going to produce good results. Local businesspeople don't just prefer a personal visit, they insist on it. It's the only approach possible.
