

''超 级 明 星'' - S.2.G

''超 级 明 星''-S.2.G.mp3
[00:00.000] 作词 : S.2.G [00:01.000] 作曲 : S.2.G...
[00:00.000] 作词 : S.2.G
[00:01.000] 作曲 : S.2.G
[00:05.474]编曲:BECU BEATZ
[00:11.968]雨水过后泥土味道 霓虹绚烂充满街道
[00:17.974]时间停止听到心跳 夜色等待黎明破晓
[00:24.724]远光灯将我环绕 我喜欢城市里的喧闹
[00:27.224]当Porsche驶过弯道 独自享受夜的美妙
[00:30.484]行程终点就是登顶 顺便欣赏沿路风景
[00:33.484]站在高处一举成名 让这盛世歌舞升平
[00:36.484]属于我的位置 飞驰 重击不会Miss
[00:38.428]随时 维持 face to face 高于你的配置
[00:40.928]I'm always cool wow 就算下起雾
[00:43.168]我也看得清 指引我的星 前方的路
[00:46.352]记住 S.two.G
[00:49.853]I've waited too long for this moment
[00:52.852]All the flashing lights were on me
[00:55.852]I felt excited and newly alive
[00:58.612]I'm the star of this city tonight
[01:02.112]I've waited too long for this moment
[01:05.112]All the flashing lights were on me
[01:08.352]I felt excited and newly alive
[01:11.112]I'm the star of this city tonight
[01:41.779]看着窗外万家灯火 逐渐实现我的承诺
[01:48.280]我的方向由我定夺 不会在灯红酒绿中停泊
[01:54.267]雨水过后泥土味道 霓虹绚烂充满街道
[02:00.280]时间停止听到心跳 夜色等待黎明破晓
[02:07.020]对于过去没有亏欠 我从不害怕危险
[02:10.279]养了一只黑色的猫 住的古堡不叫威廉
[02:13.262]记忆变成了碎片 像女巫把我催眠
[02:16.280]一直保持从前的样子 我根本不需要蜕变
[02:19.020]命运要自己掌握 别妄想等我让座
[02:22.261]我还要继续起飞 不会在高空降落
[02:25.280]我坚持自己想要做的 就算作品没有人听
[02:28.019]依然为了取悦自己活着 不用每天绷紧神经
[02:32.020]I've waited too long for this moment
[02:35.019]All the flashing lights were on me
[02:38.223]I felt excited and newly alive
[02:40.983]I'm the star of this city tonight
[02:44.484]I've waited too long for this moment
[02:47.483]All the flashing lights were on me
[02:50.733]I felt excited and newly alive
[02:53.223]I'm the star of this city tonight
[03:21.148]看着窗外万家灯火 逐渐实现我的承诺
[03:27.332]我的方向由我定夺 不会在灯红酒绿中停泊
[03:33.275]雨水过后泥土味道 霓虹绚烂充满街道
[03:39.276]时间停止听到心跳 夜色等待黎明破晓