

Motorcycle Drive By - Third Eye Blind

Motorcycle Drive By-Third Eye Blind.mp3
[00:00.19]Motorcycle Drive By (驾驶摩托车) (LP Ver...
[00:00.19]Motorcycle Drive By (驾驶摩托车) (LP Version) - Third Eye Blind (心灵蒙蔽)
[00:00.43]Written by:Stephan Jenkins
[00:12.51]Summer time and the wind is blowing outside
[00:15.18]夏日时光 风轻轻吹着
[00:15.18]In lower Chelsea and I don't know
[00:17.36]我在切尔西城外 我不知道
[00:17.36]What I'm doing in this city
[00:19.81]我在这座城市 究竟要做些什么
[00:19.81]The sun is always in my eyes
[00:24.21]It crashes through the windows
[00:25.97]And I'm sleeping on the couch
[00:27.96]When I came to visit you
[00:30.44]That's when I knew I could never have you
[00:35.81]我就已明白 我再也不可能拥有你了
[00:35.81]I knew that before you did
[00:39.94]Still I'm the one who's stupid
[00:44.18]And there's this burning
[00:48.25]Like there's always been
[00:52.76]像曾经一样 如此热烈
[00:52.76]I never been so alone
[00:56.46]And I've never been so alive
[01:09.28]Visions of you on a motorcycle drive by
[01:12.14]The cigarette ash flies in your eyes
[01:15.020004]And you don't mind you smile
[01:18.93]你毫不在意 笑着说
[01:18.93]And say the world doesn't fit with you
[01:21.4]I don't believe you you're so serene
[01:25.1]我不相信你说的话 你是那么平静
[01:25.1]Careening through the universe
[01:27.15]Your axis on a tilt you're guiltless and free
[01:30.67]你就是我生命的中轴线 我愿永远围着你转
[01:30.67]I hope you take a piece of me with you
[01:35.82]And there's things I'd like to do
[01:38.96]That you don't believe in
[01:42.91]I would like to build something
[01:46.68]But you never see it happen
[01:50.869995]And there's this burning
[01:55.240005]Like there's always been
[01:59.71]像曾经一样 如此热烈
[01:59.71]I never been so alone
[02:03.39]And I've
[02:05.39]I've never been so alive
[02:26.14]And there's this burning
[02:29.85]像曾经一样 如此热烈
[02:29.85]There is this burning
[02:42.77]我想要知道 我的灵魂在哪里啊
[02:42.77]Where's the soul I want to know
[02:45.14]New York City is evil
[02:46.7]用表象掩盖了一切 但对此 我却永远无能为力
[02:46.7]The surface is everything but I could never do that
[02:52.44]Someone would see through that
[02:56.33]And this is our last time
[03:00.75]We'll be friends again
[03:05.02]我会忘记你 而你也会忘记我
[03:05.02]I'll get over you you'll wonder who I am
[03:11.84]And there's this burning
[03:15.88]像曾经一样 如此热烈
[03:15.88]Like there's always been
[03:19.95]I never been so alone alone
[03:23.66]And I've
[03:24.6]And I've
[03:25.7]我回到家中 然后朝着海岸奔去
[03:25.7]I've never been so alive
[03:31.31]大雨倾盆而至 我独自一人 在茫茫大海上
[03:31.31]So alive
[03:36.05]I go home to the coast
[03:38.12]泪水是那么苦涩 痛苦是那么巨大
[03:38.12]It starts to rain I paddle out on the water
[03:43.38]夏天就这样逝去 我的眼睛依然红肿
[03:43.38]Taste the salt and taste the pain
[03:45.27]夕阳西下 我再也见不到一丝余晖
[03:45.27]I'm not thinking of you again
[03:48.09]Summer dies and swells rise
[03:50.45999]在黑暗中向我袭来 我会勇往直前 乘风破浪
[03:50.45999]The sun goes down in my eyes
[03:52.67]See this rolling wave