

Pure Luck - Ninajirachi&Freya Staer

Pure Luck-Ninajirachi&Freya Staer.mp3
[00:00.0]Pure Luck (纯粹运气) - Ninajirachi/Freya...
[00:00.0]Pure Luck (纯粹运气) - Ninajirachi/Freya Staer
[00:23.52]The water's clearer on the other side
[00:26.0]泪光点点 痛哭不已
[00:26.0]Do you believe her when she cries
[00:28.61]当她哭泣的时候 你会相信她说的那些话吗
[00:28.61]I'm talking bodies you're talking eyes
[00:31.31]我渴望肢体接触 你却只以眼神交流
[00:31.31]And there isn't a reason you can't get by
[00:33.99]你无需在这里固步自封 自怜自艾
[00:33.99]I'll be here when it gets too much
[00:36.69]当你无力应对这汹涌的感情 我会一直在这里陪着你
[00:36.69]Lying in bed and our fingers touch
[00:39.35]躺在床上 我们十指交缠
[00:39.35]It's just something meant for us
[00:42.0]The rest can guess but it's all pure luck
[01:32.85]我们可以预测未来 但是一切也要依靠好运气
[01:32.85]I'm talking bodies you're talking eyes
[01:35.35]我渴望肢体接触 你却只以眼神交流
[01:35.35]And there isn't a reason you can't get by
[01:37.990005]你无需在这里固步自封 自怜自艾
[01:37.990005]I'll be here when it gets too much
[01:40.68]当你无力应对这汹涌的感情 我会一直在这里陪着你
[01:40.68]Lying in bed and our fingers touch
[01:43.29]躺在床上 我们十指交缠
[01:43.29]It's just something meant for us
[01:45.97]The rest can guess but it's all pure luck
[01:48.79]我们可以预测未来 但是一切也要依靠好运气
[01:48.79]I'll be here when you're not awake
[01:51.32]即便你睡意沉沉 我也会在这里陪伴着你
[01:51.32]So that you can take a break
[01:53.979996]From what surrounds you and what you hate
[01:56.65]挣脱那一切的束缚 一切烦扰
[01:56.65]I promise we won't suffocate
[01:59.09]我保证 我们不会有危险的
[01:59.09]Your mind's a battle your hands are guns
[02:02.07]While I wait here in the dust
[02:04.6]Running thoughts and drowning lungs
[02:07.35]心力枯竭 苦心守候
[02:07.35]You're telling me that you love someone
[02:12.35]你却告诉我 你另觅新欢的消息