

Into the Unknown - Panic! At The Disco

Into the Unknown-Panic! At The Disco.mp3
[00:00.0]Into the Unknown (Panic! At The Disco Ver...
[00:00.0]Into the Unknown (Panic! At The Disco Version) - Panic! At The Disco
[00:00.87]AH AH AH AH
[00:04.95]AH AH AH AH AH AH
[00:07.51]Into the Unknown
[00:11.72]Into the Unknown
[00:15.67]Into the Unknown
[00:21.43]AH AH AH AH AH
[00:24.56]I can hear you
[00:26.73]But I won't
[00:28.3]Some look for trouble
[00:30.42]While others don't
[00:32.78]There's thousand reasons
[00:34.94]I should go about my day
[00:36.86]And ignore your whispers
[00:39.0]你在我耳畔低语 我充耳不闻
[00:39.0]Which I wish would go away
[00:48.81]You're not a voice
[00:51.12]You're just a ringing in my ear
[00:53.03]你在我耳畔响个不停 扰乱我
[00:53.03]And if I heard you which I don't
[00:55.52]如果我听从了你 我茫然无措
[00:55.52]I'm spoken for I fear
[00:57.85]Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls
[01:01.69]我爱过的每一个人都在此处 我们近在咫尺
[01:01.69]I'm sorry secret siren but I'm blocking out your calls
[01:05.77]抱歉 秘密如警笛般回响 可对你的呼唤置若罔闻
[01:05.77]I've had my adventure
[01:07.82]I don't need something new
[01:09.64]I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you
[01:13.21]如果我跟随着你 我害怕前途未卜
[01:13.21]Into the Unknown
[01:17.21]Into the Unknown
[01:21.38]Into the Unknown
[01:27.03]AH AH AH AH AH
[01:31.18]AH AH AH AH AH AH
[01:33.990005]What do you want
[01:36.06]'Cause you've been keeping me awake
[01:38.56]你让我辗转反侧 无法安眠
[01:38.56]Are you here to distract me
[01:40.56]So I make a big mistake
[01:42.229996]Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me
[01:46.91]或许你和我一样 我们有相似的命运
[01:46.91]Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be
[01:50.9]谁能真正懂我 我所在之处是否是我的归宿
[01:50.9]Every day's a little harder as I feel your power grow
[01:55.1]当我感觉到你的力量与日俱增时 每一天都愈发艰难
[01:55.1]Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go
[02:00.27]难道你不没明白吗 在我内心深处渴望继续前行
[02:00.27]Into the Unknown
[02:04.57]Into the Unknown
[02:08.4]Into the Unknown
[02:12.16]AH AH AH AH
[02:14.25]AH AH AH AH
[02:17.26]Are you out there
[02:18.61]Do you know me
[02:19.58]Can you feel me
[02:20.6]Can you show me
[02:23.48]AH AH AH AH
[02:30.78]AH AH AH AH
[02:40.49]Where are you going don't leave me alone
[02:44.47]你要去哪里 别让我独自一人
[02:44.47]How do I follow you
[02:49.83]Into the Unknown