

The Letter That Johnny Walker Read - Asleep At The Wheel

The Letter That Johnny Walker Read-Asleep At The Wheel.mp3
[00:00.0]The Letter That Johnny Walker Read (1991...
[00:00.0]The Letter That Johnny Walker Read (1991 Digital Remaster) - Asleep At The Wheel
[00:11.16]Johnny walker sat at a table in a bar
[00:15.15]Johnny walker坐在酒吧的一张桌子旁
[00:15.15]Minding his own affairs
[00:19.13]Drinking his namesake over the rocks
[00:22.63]He was drunk too drunk to care
[00:26.5]他喝得太醉了 有些不清醒
[00:26.5]When a girl from the bar walked up beside him
[00:31.05]And this is what she said
[00:33.66]She said a woman came by with a letter for you
[00:38.31]And this is what the letter said
[00:44.58]Dear john please johnny please come home
[00:51.06]亲爱的john 拜托你回家
[00:51.06]I need your love and the kids they gotta be fed
[00:57.63]我需要你的爱 还有小孩需要养
[00:57.63]And john if you don't hurry back I'll be gone
[01:03.59]如果你不快点回来 我就离开了
[01:03.59]Yes that's what the letter said
[01:06.76]是的 信里这样说
[01:06.76]The letter that johnny walker read
[01:22.13]Johnny walker看了看那封信
[01:22.13]Then john he got up from the table
[01:30.79]Slowly so slowly he walked outside
[01:38.34]He was thinking of his wife and little children back at home
[01:45.979996]And how his drinking had ruined their lives
[01:55.740005]他嗜酒成性 已经毁了家庭
[01:55.740005]Then john he stared off off into that street light
[02:02.38]然后john不再发呆 走入街道
[02:02.38]And a vision filled his poor poor heart with dread
[02:10.15]For you was him
[02:13.16]Lying drunk there in that gutter
[02:18.32]喝醉了 横躺在污水沟中
[02:18.32]Clutching in his little own hand
[02:20.42]The letter that johnny walker read
[02:23.89]And this is what it said
[02:26.37]Dear john please johnny please come home
[02:33.26]亲爱的john 拜托你回家
[02:33.26]I need your love and the kids they gotta be fed
[02:40.49]我需要你的爱 还有小孩需要抚养
[02:40.49]And john if you don't hurry back I'll be gone
[02:46.5]如果你不快点回来 我就离开了
[02:46.5]Yes that's what the letter said
[02:49.67]是的 信里这样说
[02:49.67]The letter that johnny walker read
[02:54.95]Johnny walker看了看那封信
[02:54.95]Dear john please johnny please come home
[03:01.64]亲爱的john 拜托你回家
[03:01.64]I need your love and the kids they gotta be fed
[03:06.64]我需要你的爱 还有小孩需要抚养