

Happy Slapping - Cathy Davey

Happy Slapping-Cathy Davey.mp3
[00:00.0]Happy Slapping - Cathy Davey [00:23.23]//...
[00:00.0]Happy Slapping - Cathy Davey
[00:23.23]When you're alone do you worry about me
[00:27.81]When I'm alone all I do is worry worry worry worry
[00:33.19]我一个人孤独的时候 满脑子都都都在想你
[00:33.19]Worry 'bout a heart attack wonderin' who's got your back
[00:37.92]想着万一你心脏病发作 谁会来及时救你一命
[00:37.92]If you had a healthy lunch if somebody spiked your punch
[00:42.96]你的晚饭吃得有营养吗 要是你在舞会上中了招
[00:42.96]Do the boys take care of you
[00:45.34]Or do they leave you home to brew
[00:51.92]Doin' fine without you
[01:03.04]When you're alone do you sit and weep
[01:07.48]Or do you keep the fire lit with photographs of you and me
[01:12.57]Is the heaviness letting up or do you feel like giving up
[01:17.57]你那糟糕的心情好些了吗 还是你感觉干脆放弃算了
[01:17.57]And if you gave up what exactly what exactly would it mean
[01:22.65]要是你选择了放弃那究竟 那究竟意味着啥
[01:22.65]Overflowing septic tanks and avoiding all the bins
[01:26.97]粪坑里的玩意儿满出来了 还成功躲过了那堆垃圾箱
[01:26.97]'Till somebody says I knew the girl she kept a tidy flat
[01:31.88]直到有人说 我知道那女孩儿 以前她的房间老干净了
[01:31.88]But now the garden's full of rats I know she used to sing
[01:36.39]可现在她的花园却满是老鼠 我知道她以前喜欢唱歌
[01:36.39]But now she talks to buildings
[01:41.03]She's doin' swell without you
[01:52.66]When you go out do you dread coming home
[01:57.18]当你外出的时候 你是不是惧怕回家
[01:57.18]To an empty house and stale bread
[01:59.619995]回到那空荡荡的房子 只有发霉的面包
[01:59.619995]And nobody to warm your bed
[02:02.38]Does it make you scared to die
[02:04.74]'Cause that's what keeps me up at night
[02:07.29]Lying stiff for several days with nobody
[02:11.11]There to say wake up honey or are you dead
[02:14.83]亲爱的 醒醒 你是死了吗
[02:14.83]And that keeps running through my head
[02:21.03]Doin' sweet without you
[02:47.34]When you wake up do you get a fright
[02:51.8]When suddenly you remember you no longer have a life
[02:56.4]'Cause it scares the sh*t right out of me
[02:59.2]An avalanche of memories come raging like a b**ch on heat
[03:04.22]So I don't stay in bed soon as I wake I flee the room say
[03:08.56]Life is great
[03:09.74]Stick on the radio and laugh
[03:12.29]And when the prime time jokes pretend that they relate to me
[03:16.7]当那笑话时段如期到来 他们再怎么装 都是在说我
[03:16.7]As if I'm not detached or lonely or is that
[03:19.69]How we all feel and eating crap is how we deal with life
[03:24.82]还是我们都会那么觉得吗 闪一边去吧 我们就是这么干的
[03:24.82]And all it's splendid trappings
[03:26.66]华丽人生 人生华丽
[03:26.66]Robbery and happy slapping
[03:29.51]肆无忌惮 欢快节拍
[03:32.99]Doin' sweet without you
[03:37.97]没有你 我都好像要疯了
[03:37.97]Doin' swell without you
[03:42.97]没有你 我都好像要疯了