
13Bloody Thermopylae【血色温泉关】-列奥尼达 - 白鬼@花开

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13Bloody Thermopylae【血色温泉关】-列奥尼达-白鬼@花开.mp3
[00:09.96]For every breath and every step 每一口呼...
[00:09.96]For every breath and every step 每一口呼吸每一步迈进
[00:14.46]Their honor is their shield 荣誉是他们的盾牌
[00:17.37]In the shadow of the mountainside 在那山峦的阴影下
[00:20.4]Where heros blood is spilled 英雄的鲜血洒满尘埃
[00:23.25]The courage of three hundred men 三百勇士的无畏
[00:26.4]Forever stands fulfilled 永远屹立不衰
[00:41.25]With courage as their armor strong 胸怀无畏为铠甲
[00:44.46]They march into the fight 昂首步入战场
[00:47.25]The clash of steel the roar of men 武器碰撞号角响彻
[00:50.64]A tale of blood and might 奏响热血与勇气的传奇
[00:53.67]Leonidas with his chosen few 列奥尼达斯和勇士们
[00:59.22]Defy the endless night 直面无尽黑夜的漫长
[01:05.45]Swords raised high stand to defy 高举利剑奋战不屈
[01:11.22]In the pass of Thermopylae 站在温泉关的隘口
[01:13.770004]Steel meets flesh 钢剑刺入血肉
[01:15.06]Hold the line till our last breath 坚持到底至最后一口气
[01:17.88]Swords raised high brave men deny 高举利剑勇士们绝不屈服
[01:23.64]The fate they were meant to see 这是他们注定的命运
[01:41.19]The fire burns it lights the night 火焰燃烧照亮黑夜
[01:44.61]A beacon in the storm 暴风中的灯塔熠熠生辉
[01:47.22]Their shields like mirrors catching light 盾牌如镜闪耀光辉
[01:50.4]Defenders will be sworn 守护者誓言坚定
[01:53.61]In the wind their voices rise 寒风中声音扬起
[01:59.22]A hymn of valor sung 勇气的赞歌在高唱
[02:53.19]With shields aloft their spirits soar 高举盾牌信念飞扬
[02:56.43]The Spartans hold their line 斯巴达人捍卫防线
[02:59.4]Against the tide of Persia's horde 对抗波斯如浪潮的大军
[03:02.37]Their bravery will shine 勇气永不黯淡
[03:07.68]Leonidas leads them forth 列奥尼达斯带领他们
[03:11.22]Through death's unyielding gate 直面死亡的大门
[03:17.4]The walls of flesh and shields of bronze 以血肉铸成的城墙与青铜盾
[03:20.4]They stand as one unyielding throng 他们团结如一无惧风暴
[03:23.64]Though fallen comrades pave their path 尽管同伴陨落铺就前行之路
[03:26.37]Their legacy ignites our wrath 他们的遗志点燃我们的愤怒
[03:30.33]The Persian tide will rise once more 波斯大军如浪潮一样再临
[03:35.19]But Spartans break upon their shore 斯巴达人冲进他们的阵线
[03:45.75]With ferocity they clash and strike 以凶猛之势交锋与挥斩
[03:50.43]Flames of war igniting night 战火照亮了夜空
[03:56.52]In the pass their legend born 在这狭通的隘口他们的传奇诞生
[04:02.85]As arrows fall like a storm 箭雨如暴风般落下