

Give Me Your Love - 朱彦安,Neo王中祐

Give Me Your Love-朱彦安,Neo王中祐.mp3
[00:00.000] 作词 : 朱彦安/Neo王中祐 [00:00.717] 作...
[00:00.000] 作词 : 朱彦安/Neo王中祐
[00:00.717] 作曲 : 朱彦安/Neo王中祐
[00:18.186]I just wanna make sure you know(我只是想确保你知道)
[00:22.435]I’m not that kinda person you know(你知道我不是你认识的那种人)
[00:26.935]baby don’t listen to them cause i know(宝贝别听他们的 因为我知道)
[00:31.688]i i know(我知道的)
[00:35.935]Don’t judge me easily as u know(请不要根据你的所知来轻易评价我)
[00:40.685]everybody says that like they know(每个人都这么说 仿佛他们知道一样)
[00:44.935]baby don’t follow them if u know(宝贝,如果你知道 就别跟随他们)
[00:49.435]u u know(你知道的)
[00:52.186]hey girl(嘿,女孩)
[00:53.436]if u truly wanna-na know me (如果你真的想要了解我)
[00:56.435]please just close to me(请靠近我)
[01:00.935]hey girl(嘿,女孩)
[01:01.935]why don’t you change your mind(为什么你不改变想法)
[01:05.187]please come back to me(请回到我身边)
[01:09.686]just give me your love (给我你的爱)
[01:13.935]give me your love(给我你的爱)
[01:27.436]aye close to me(靠近我)
[01:29.186]if u truly know that person who i be(如果你知道真正的我)
[01:31.936]last time thats a mistake (上次是个美好的误会)
[01:33.436]which im not really mean it(我真的不是故意的)
[01:35.187]just dont really mad at me please(请你别再生气了)
[01:36.936]forgive me (原谅我吧)
[01:40.187]继续 look at me (看着我)
[01:42.436]你将立刻化解流言 和蜚语
[01:44.936]then i gonna get my best rhyme(让我拿出我最好的韵律)
[01:46.687]take my best shot(尽我所能)
[01:48.436]请你走进 then 看到对你的爱
[01:49.687]please dont be shy(别害羞)
[01:52.187]what they talk about are just some fxxking fake lies(因为他们说的都不是真的)
[02:10.687]give me your love (给我你的爱)
[02:19.436]give me your love (给我你的爱)