

North to Alaska - Johnny Horton

North to Alaska-Johnny Horton.mp3
[00:00.0]North to Alaska (步枪,小马和我) - Johnny...
[00:00.0]North to Alaska (步枪,小马和我) - Johnny Horton
[00:01.33]Way up north to Alaska way up north to Alaska
[00:06.99]去北方的阿拉斯加 去北方的阿拉斯加
[00:06.99]North to Alaska goin' north the rush is on
[00:12.46]去北方的阿拉斯加 我已踏上旅程
[00:12.46]North to Alaska goin' north the rush is on
[00:18.0]去北方的阿拉斯加 我已踏上旅程
[00:18.0]Big Sam left Seattle in the year of ninety-two
[00:23.44]九二年的时候 山姆和他的搭档乔治
[00:23.44]With George Pratt his partner and brother Billy too
[00:29.06]They crossed the Yukon River and found a bonanza gold
[00:35.04]他们横渡育空河 发现了一处金矿
[00:35.04]Below that old white mountain just a little southeast of Nome
[00:40.53]在那座古老的白山下 离诺姆东南很近的地方
[00:40.53]Sam crossed the majestic mountains to the valleys far below
[00:46.27]山姆翻越雄伟高山 抵达下边的山谷
[00:46.27]He talked to his team of huskies as they mushed on through the snow
[00:51.95]山姆的猎犬在雪地前行时 他还跟它们聊着天
[00:51.95]With the Northern Lights a-runnin' wild in the land of the midnight sun
[00:57.63]在能见到子夜太阳的那片土地上 极光流转不停
[00:57.63]Yes Sam McCord was a mighty man in the year of nineteen-one
[01:03.43]没错 九一年的时候 山姆麦克德是个勇士
[01:03.43]Where the river is winding big nuggets they're finding
[01:09.29]在溪水潺潺的地方 他们找到了天然大金块
[01:09.29]North to Alaska goin' north the rush is on
[01:14.92]去北方的阿拉斯加 我已踏上旅程
[01:14.92]Way up north to Alaska way up north to Alaska
[01:21.28]去北方的阿拉斯加 去北方的阿拉斯加
[01:21.28]North to Alaska goin' north the rush is on
[01:26.72]去北方的阿拉斯加 我已踏上旅程
[01:26.72]North to Alaska goin' north the rush is on
[01:32.7]去北方的阿拉斯加 我已踏上旅程
[01:32.7]George turned to Sam with his gold in his hand
[01:38.0]Said 'Sam "You're a looking' at a lonely lonely man
[01:43.8]还说 山姆你看起来像个孤独无依的男人
[01:43.8]I'd trade all the gold that's buried in this land
[01:49.67]For one small band of gold placed on sweet little Jeannie's hand "
[01:55.28]只留一小块做成戒指 戴在甜美的珍妮手上
[01:55.28]"Cause a man needs a woman to love him all the time
[02:01.15]Remember Sam a true love is so hard to find
[02:07.09]山姆记住 真爱如此难寻
[02:07.09]I'd build for my Jeannie a honeymoon home
[02:12.89]Just below that old white mountain just a little southeast of Nome "
[02:17.89]就在那座古老的白山下 离诺姆东南很近的地方