

落日飞车在边缘飞驰 (Sunsetflying) - 金木犀

落日飞车在边缘飞驰 (Sunsetflying)-金木犀.mp3
[00:14.16] i wanna drive my car with u in hot day...
[00:14.16] i wanna drive my car with u in hot day(我想在夏天和你一起在道路上飞驰)
[00:17.93] i don't know what is heart broken should we ,i said(在路上忘却一切烦恼)
[00:21.94] enter the road(我离开了)
[00:23.44] i'm Suicide(一起离开吧)
[00:25.7] don't want be my girl(因为她不想成为我的女孩)
[00:27.2] in summer time(在这个夏天)
[00:29.46] i don't know,wanna heart broken in your fk way(我想以你的方式让自己心碎)
[00:33.22] i‘m shall we in to sun,warm(我们应该一起去晒晒太阳 )
[00:36.98] the shawty in my night(这夜里和你待在同一条披肩里)
[00:41.0] the sunning in the sky(太阳在空中照耀着我们)
[00:44.76] 天空他感到难过 落下雨滴
[00:48.52] 水面上的光闪烁 你的背影
[00:52.53] you leave me in the life(你把我一个人留在这里)
[00:56.29] i‘m deriving in to night(我独自飞驰到了夜晚)
[01:00.05] i don't know,wanna heart broken in your fk way(我像以你的方式来让自己忘掉你)
[01:04.07] i wanna drive my car with u in hot day(但是我实在太想和你在一起飞驰了)
[01:08.08] enter the road(我们一起走吧)
[01:09.59] i'm Suicide(我想去寻找你)
[01:11.84] don't want be my girl(即使你已经不是我的了)
[01:13.34] in summer time(在这个夏日)
[01:15.35] we story in my life(我为你讲述一个个故事)
[01:19.36] don't wanna suicide(我不想离开了)
[01:23.37] the sunset in night(因为我看见了日落)
[01:24.88] sun will in the still, right(太阳会静止不动吗?)
[01:26.63] let me going in flying(让我飞上去 寻找你吧)
[01:29.64] shall we in die(我们会消失在世界上吗)
[01:32.15] flying on the runway for night,get in other side(在跑道上飞驰一个晚上)
[01:36.16] driving my car in the side(我在道路一旁飞驰着)
[01:38.17] will(我将会)
[01:38.92] want the fly(想要飞行)
[01:42.43] want my life(这才是我想要的生活)
[01:47.45] let go, in my tune , right(放手吧 让我用自己的旋律)
[01:50.21] 我看着落日趴在我的窗外
[01:53.97] you don't know why my heart is broken,right(你甚至不知道为什么心碎)
[01:57.729996] I'm driving to my car in summer time(夏日的午后我要开着自己的车去到任何地方)
[02:01.5] the sunset in to life(日落进入了我的生活)
[02:05.51] the sunset in the night(那是存在夜晚的日落)
[02:09.27] the story in to life(你进入我的生活)
[02:13.03] the story in the bey(却在和我道别)
[02:16.79001] i wanna say goodbyex2(那就再见吧)
[02:24.81] wanna say goodbyex2(永别了)
[02:33.1] say bye(永别)