

All We Got - Chance the Rapper&Kanye West&Chicago Children's Choir

All We Got-Chance the Rapper&Kanye West&Chicago Children's Choir.mp3
[00:00.0]All We Got (我们得到的一切) - Chance the...
[00:00.0]All We Got (我们得到的一切) - Chance the Rapper/Kanye West (坎耶·韦斯特)/Chicago Children's Choir
[00:13.57]And we back
[00:16.49]And we back and we back and we back and we back and we
[00:23.03]我们归来 我们已归来
[00:23.03]And we back and we back na na na
[00:28.3]This ain't no intro this the entree
[00:31.32]这并不是毫无预兆 这就是入场许可
[00:31.32]Hit that intro with kanye and sound like andre
[00:35.05]打起架子鼓的卡内 以及歌手安德烈
[00:35.05]Tryna turn my baby mama to my fiancee
[00:38.63]She like music she from houston like auntie yonce
[00:42.28]她非常喜欢音乐 她和她的碧昂斯阿姨一样 出生于休斯顿
[00:42.28]Man my daughter couldn't have a better mother
[00:45.88]兄弟 我的女儿有一个非常伟大的母亲
[00:45.88]If she ever find another he better love her
[00:49.51]如果她会另寻他人 他最好爱并尊重她
[00:49.51]Man I swear my life is prefect I could merch it
[00:53.26]兄弟 我的一切非常完美 家庭幸福 事业有成
[00:53.26]If I die I'll prolly cry at my own service igh igh
[00:57.7]如果我英年早逝 我大概会在我的葬礼上伤心欲绝
[00:57.7]It was a dream you could not mess withe the beam
[00:59.96]这是一个梦境 卡内 你不能把它和别的梦境搞混
[00:59.96]This is like this many rings
[01:01.33]Y'all know wha' mean
[01:02.22]This for the kids of the king of all kings
[01:04.08]这是为孩子们准备的 他们都是上帝的孩子
[01:04.08]This is for the holiest thing
[01:05.4]This is the beat that played under the word
[01:07.21]This is the sheep that ain't like what it herd
[01:09.06]我不会随波逐流 不想被贴上别人的标签
[01:09.06]This is officially first
[01:10.39]This is the third
[01:11.3]This is all we got
[01:18.14]Isn't this all we got
[01:21.62]So we might as well give it all we got
[01:25.93]This is all we got
[01:32.35]Music is all we got got got
[01:36.119995]So we might as well give it all we got
[01:42.03]I get my word from the sermon
[01:44.05]我从不屈服于试探 我会把握机会
[01:44.05]I do not talk to the serpent
[01:45.86]我不会像亚当和夏娃那样 被狡猾的蛇引诱
[01:45.86]That's the holistic discernment
[01:47.67]我会明辨是非 做正确的事情
[01:47.67]Daddy said I'm so determined
[01:49.44]爸爸告诉我他为我骄傲 我的信念如此坚定
[01:49.44]Told me these goofies can't hurt me
[01:51.259995]I just might make me some earl tea
[01:53.11]我只需静下心来 烹制我的早茶
[01:53.11]I was baptized like real early
[01:54.92]I might give satan a swirlie
[01:56.7]我无所畏惧 我可以给撒旦致命一击
[01:56.7]Wish I could tell you it's ready
[01:58.5]Tell you it's ready today
[02:00.3]They don't give nothing wawy
[02:02.05]You gotta fight for your way
[02:03.96]所以如果你也想成功 就全力以赴
[02:03.96]And that don't take nothing away
[02:06.04]拼尽全力 付出所有
[02:06.04]Cause at the end of the day
[02:08.91]Music is all we got
[02:13.64]Music is all we got
[02:16.13]Isn't this all we got
[02:19.62]So we might as well give it all we got
[02:28.28]Music is all we got
[02:35.3]Music is all we got
[02:38.62]We know we know we got it
[02:42.25]我们明白 我们必须全力以赴
[02:42.25]We know we know we got it
[02:45.91]我们明白 我们必须全力以赴
[02:45.91]We know we know we got it
[02:49.53]我们明白 我们必须全力以赴
[02:49.53]We know we know we got it
[02:52.74]我们明白 我们必须全力以赴
[02:53.25]We know we know we got it
[02:56.86]我们明白 我们必须全力以赴
[02:56.86]We know we know we got it
[03:00.46]我们明白 我们必须全力以赴
[03:00.46]We know we know we got it
[03:04.11]我们明白 我们必须全力以赴
[03:04.11]We know we know we got it
[03:07.31]我们明白 我们必须全力以赴
[03:08.0]Music is all we got