

Beautiful - 丁丁与西西

[00:00.0]Beautiful (美丽的) - 丁丁与西西 [00:19.5]...
[00:00.0]Beautiful (美丽的) - 丁丁与西西
[00:19.5]Oh you've been tried so hard to be like a beautiful girl
[00:23.93]You did so you did so
[00:28.69]你做到了 你做到了
[00:28.69]When they tried to wake you up from your beautiful world
[00:33.28]They wouldn't know
[00:35.22]You don't think they will know
[00:38.15]You wanna change your mouth
[00:39.5]And change your eyes and change your face
[00:41.78]让眼睛变得更大 让鼻子变得更挺
[00:41.78]And change your nose
[00:47.5]总之 改头换面
[00:47.5]You're gonna change your waist
[00:48.71]Change your chest and change your dress
[00:51.05]丰胸提臀 改变穿衣搭配
[00:51.05]Try to be like her
[00:56.61]You look at the mirror how beautiful
[00:59.62]你看着镜子里的自己 真是太美了
[00:59.62]Look at the new one so beautiful
[01:06.57]简直就像换了个人 美若天仙
[01:06.57]Look at the mirror how beautiful
[01:08.82]你看着镜子里的自己 真是太美了
[01:08.82]Look at the new one so beautiful
[01:33.990005]简直就像换了个人 美若天仙
[01:33.990005]Oh you've been tried so hard to be like a beautiful girl
[01:38.53]You did so you did so
[01:43.31]你做到了 你做到了
[01:43.31]When they tried to wake you up from your beautiful world
[01:47.770004]They wouldn't know
[01:49.770004]You don't think they will know
[01:52.69]You wanna change your mouth
[01:53.94]And change your eyes and change your face
[01:56.17]让眼睛变得更大 让鼻子变得更挺
[01:56.17]And change your nose
[02:02.01]总之 改头换面
[02:02.01]You're gonna change your waist
[02:03.21]Change your chest and change your dress
[02:05.55]丰胸提臀 改变穿衣搭配
[02:05.55]Try to be like her
[02:11.79]Look at the mirror how beautiful
[02:14.13]你看着镜子里的自己 真是太美了
[02:14.13]Look at the new one so beautiful
[02:21.1]简直就像换了个人 美若天仙
[02:21.1]Look at the mirror how beautiful
[02:23.26]你看着镜子里的自己 真是太美了
[02:23.26]Look at the new one so beautiful
[02:31.41]简直就像换了个人 美若天仙
[02:31.41]It's just not that easy as you thought
[02:36.69]Believe it or not the thing is real
[02:41.2]无论你信不信 事实就是如此
[02:41.2]Before you change the one inside you
[02:48.18]美是从内而外 自然流露
[02:48.18]So please just take it as you are
[02:54.74]所以 接受真实的自己
[02:54.74]Just trust that how beautiful you are
[03:01.11]要相信 你的美独一无二 无可替代
[03:02.27]你的美独一无二 无可替代
[03:07.2]你的美独一无二 无可替代
[03:07.2]Look at the mirror how beautiful
[03:09.91]你看着镜子里的自己 真是太美了
[03:09.91]Look at the new one so beautiful
[03:14.02]简直就像换了个人 美若天仙
[03:14.02]You did so
[03:16.93]Look at the mirror how beautiful
[03:19.13]你看着镜子里的自己 真是太美了
[03:19.13]Look at the new one so beautiful
[03:22.98]简直就像换了个人 美若天仙
[03:22.98]You don't think they will know
[03:26.3]Look at the mirror how beautiful
[03:28.49]你看着镜子里的自己 真是太美了
[03:28.49]Look at the new one so beautiful
[03:32.81]简直就像换了个人 美若天仙
[03:32.81]You did so
[03:35.62]Look at the mirror how beautiful
[03:37.84]你看着镜子里的自己 真是太美了
[03:37.84]Look at the new one so beautiful
[03:41.69]简直就像换了个人 美若天仙
[03:41.69]You don't think they will know
[03:45.33]I've got to tell you something you never know
[03:49.19]Being simple is beautiful
[03:56.2]Just remind you something you already knew
[04:00.31]Your simple is beautiful