

Fantastic Mr. Fox AKA Petey’s Song-《了不起的狐狸爸爸》电影插曲 - Alexandre Desplat

Fantastic Mr. Fox AKA Petey’s Song-《了不起的狐狸爸爸》电影插曲-Alexandre Desplat.mp3
[00:01.18]'Bout a handsome little fox let me...
[00:01.18]'Bout a handsome little fox let me sing you folks a yarn
[00:04.92]我来给你唱一首民谣 有关绅士的小狐狸的故事
[00:04.92]Hey diddle-dee daddle-da doddle-do doodle-dum
[00:09.8]嘿 欺骗 鬼混 愚蠢 妄为
[00:09.8]'Twas a splendid little feller full of wit 'n' grace 'n' charm
[00:13.34]它是个极好的樵夫 富有智慧 懂得感恩 魅力四射
[00:13.34]Say zippy-zee zappa-za yappy-yo doodle-dum
[00:17.68]说 嬉皮笑脸 恶棍附体 叽叽喳喳 轻而易举
[00:17.68]Well like any little critter needin' vittels for his littl'uns
[00:22.05]好吧 就如小生命依赖毛细血管才能生存
[00:22.05]Well he stole and he cheated and he lied just to survive
[00:28.34]好吧 他偷盗 欺骗 为保命
[00:28.34]With a doodle-dum diddle-die doddle-diddle doodle-dum
[00:30.9]对一个蠢人说 欺骗致死 随意欺骗 蠢人
[00:30.9]Other singers: Doodle-dum diddle-die doddle-diddle doodle-dum
[00:32.98]其他人唱道 蠢人 欺骗致死 随意欺骗 蠢人
[00:32.98]Petey: Zippy-zo zippy-zay zippy-zappy zoopy-zee
[00:34.85]皮蒂 嬉皮动物 嬉皮生动 嬉皮笑脸 吵闹着
[00:34.85]Other singers: Zippy-zo zippy-zay zippy-zappy zoopy-zee
[00:36.78]其他人唱道 嬉皮动物 嬉皮生动 嬉皮笑脸 吵闹着
[00:36.78]Petey: Doo-dah doo-day day
[00:40.71]皮蒂 嘟哒 嘟嘚 嘚
[00:40.71]Petey: Let me take a little tick now to color in the scene:
[00:42.73]皮蒂 我要花点时间给景象上色
[00:42.73]'Cross the valley lived three yokels name of Boggis Bunce and Bean
[00:48.1]山谷间隐居了三个乡巴佬 博吉斯 邦斯 和憨豆
[00:48.1]Now these three crazy jackies had our hero on the run
[00:50.6]现在 这三个疯狂原始人成了我们的大英雄
[00:50.6]Shot the tail off the cuss with a fox-shootin' gun
[00:52.47]用猎枪 将该死的魔咒射离狐狸
[00:52.47]But that stylish little fox was as clever as a whip
[00:54.53]Dug as quick as a gopher that was hyper-ack-a-tive
[00:57.56]深挖溯源 身手矫健
[00:57.56]Other singers: Yeah
[01:00.37]其他人唱道 耶
[01:00.37]Now those three farmers sit 'twhere there's a hole 'twas once a hill
[01:05.06]而现在 那三个农夫坐在曾经是座山峰的洞上
[01:05.06]Singin' diddle-dee daddle-da doddle-do doodle-dum
[01:08.3]欢唱道 欺骗 鬼混 愚蠢 妄为
[01:08.3]And as far as I can reckon
[01:10.93]They're a-settin' up there still
[01:13.25]Singin' zippy-zee zappa-za yappy-yo
[01:16.35]欢唱道 嬉皮生动 嬉皮笑脸 吵闹着
[01:16.35]Fantastic Mr Fox AKA Petey's Song - Alexandre Desplat