

How Should I Do(prod by FaunmU) - ConnieMOL

How Should I Do(prod by FaunmU)-ConnieMOL.mp3
[00:00.000] 作词 : ConnieMOL [00:01.000] 作曲 : Co...
[00:00.000] 作词 : ConnieMOL
[00:01.000] 作曲 : ConnieMOL
[00:23.908]How should I do
[00:25.149]How to get so-called perfection
[00:26.903]But Time will tell me where is the f**king destination
[00:29.910]I always know my future will brighten attention
[00:32.916]He never know she never know they never know you never know
[00:36.174]How should I do
[00:37.167]How to get so-called perfection
[00:38.919]But time will tell me where is the f**king destination
[00:41.904]I always know my future will brighten attention
[00:45.167]He never know she never know they never know you never know
[01:12.071]她关上电脑 大脑无法思考
[01:23.765]试错到底对不对 规划未来累不累
[01:29.523]他们说青春多宝贵 但宝贵的是那无畏
[01:32.762]女孩不需大富大贵 嫁好人家最有所谓
[01:35.771]这些作祟的所谓 都让她伤心落泪
[01:38.777]她像枯萎的玫瑰 旁人说众望所归
[01:48.012]How should I do
[01:49.273]How to get so-called perfection
[01:51.025]But time will tell me where is the f**king destination
[01:53.778]I always know my future will brighten attention
[01:56.765]He never know she never know they never know you never know
[01:59.484]年少对未来的憧憬 如今都笼罩阴影
[02:02.973]烈日裹挟着虫鸣 没人能懂她心情
[02:05.963]远处的火车驶来 她只想拼命逃开
[02:09.213]车像尖叫的鬼怪 准备把她放入碗筷
[02:11.657]一切见怪不怪 却又充满意外
[02:14.658]热爱 辩白 失态
[02:16.164]期待 等待 无奈
[02:23.898]她不想曲意逢迎 被说是冥顽不灵
[02:26.406]黑暗中摸索前行 她仍然希冀着黎明
[02:29.672]即使前路永暗 但今夜星光璀璨
[02:32.667]蝴蝶翅膀振颤下 玫瑰花蕾重绽
[02:35.663]“失去的永不复返 世守恒而今倍还”
[02:41.909]“叹世万物皆可盼 唯真爱最短暂”
[02:48.156]How should I do
[02:49.422]How to get so-called perfection
[02:51.162]But Time will tell me where is the f**king destination
[02:53.915]I always know my future will brighten attention
[02:56.927]He never know she never know they never know you never know
[02:59.884]How should I do
[03:01.137]How to get so-called perfection
[03:02.897]But Time will tell me where is the f**king destination
[03:05.889]I always know my future will brighten attention
[03:09.143]He never know she never know they never know you never know