

in love(翻自 vietra) - 熠燍

in love(翻自 vietra) -熠燍.mp3
作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 I’m so in love with you,我深...
作词 : 无
作曲 : 无
I’m so in love with you,我深深爱着你,
You just hug me and give me warmth,哪怕是轻轻一拥亦能给我温暖,
That could took away my pain,驱散我内心的痛楚,
And you let me feel so safe,使我感受到无比安心,
And peacefully calm dark run away,平静地将黑暗驱散,
Sea isn’t cold,温暖我内心的那片海,
Again when you are around your voice is near,当你的声音,
Right beside my ears,环绕于耳,
And i’ll fall asleep again into your dusk,我在薄暮中沉沉睡去,
And soothe my dark to glowing art,抚慰我心中的黑暗,熠熠生辉,
I see the bloom,我看见,
Of your flowers inside your heart,你心田中盛开的花朵,
And stars held by,你眼中的星星,
Your eyes bring me to blue sky,将我带到了蔚蓝的天空之上,
And you hold me by your side in a dream of me,你在我梦中将我深拥,
You’re the dawn of my dark,你是黑暗中我的曙光,我的希望,
And the bliss of my grief,也是抚平我悲痛的快乐。