

拼写与读音? - 英语听力

School children in English-speaking countries have...
School children in English-speaking countries have difficulty spelling words such as "people" and "friend". They contain the odd vowels which are not pronounced. SAYPU suggests it is about time we started spelling what we pronounced and not just in English, but in all languages. Say, for instance, the word "oui" or "yes" in French, would be spelled WEE and the word "Leute" in German, meaning "people", as LOITE. The director of Logos Capital, Jaber George, who is launching the programme today, insists their aim is to help raise worldwide literacy levels by making spelling easier. "One of the reasons why, in some cultures and in certain languages, there is higher illiteracy rates than in others is because of the difficulty in learning how to read and write, and by having, actually, a phonetic alphabet, then you don't have this problem anymore. Everyone will be able to read and write much more easily. So Esperanto, basically, is to have a single language spoken by everyone. Here, what we are trying to do is just to have all these languages written using the same alphabet." Even though there might be linguists out there frowning at the project already, Jaber insists their programme won't undermine the beauty and the playfulness of words and languages. They aim to create their own dictionary of words from around the world. And if you are so inclined, you could log in and add a word or two from your part of the world.

以英语为母语的国家里的学龄儿童在拼写如“people”和“friend”这类的单词的时候,常面临着困难。因为这些单词有古怪的不发音的辅音字母。 SAYPU提议,当下是我们需要学习拼写不仅仅是英语,而是所有语言的时候了。举例来说,法语中的“yes”即单词“oui” 应该被拼写成“WEE”, 而德语中的“Leute”——意思是人民——应该被拼写为“LOITE”。Logos Capital的董事,Jaber George,坚持他们以通过简化拼写为手段,以提升世界范围的文化程度为目的的原则,同时Jaber George在当下也创设了自己的项目。 “为什么一些特定文化中或是一些语言环境中的文盲率比其他地区高呢?原因之一就是因为对于读和写接受起来有困难,但实际上如果他们能有一份注音的字母表,可能问题就迎刃而解了。阅读和写字对于人们来说会变得更容易。所以可以说世界语的诞生,就是为了让所有人讲同一种语言。眼下我们试图做的就是用同一个字母系统涵盖所有的语言。” 尽管外界可能已经有语言学家对该项目嗤之以鼻,Jaber仍坚信他们的项目不会削损语言和文字在使用时所产生的文学之美和戏谑之趣。他们旨在创造出一本囊括世界所有词汇的字典。如果你也对此有意,你也可以登录该项目,并从你的母语里摘出些许来丰盈这本词典。