

百万英镑 - KEYWord

[00:00.000] 作词 : KEYWord [00:01.000] 作曲 : KEYW...
[00:00.000] 作词 : KEYWord
[00:01.000] 作曲 : KEYWord
[00:10.987]Im going to make a million pounds
[00:13.237]So my bro in China all around
[00:15.740]You can call me father if you want
[00:18.734]But im gonna tell you u are wrong
[00:21.741]Im going to make a million pounds
[00:23.980]So my bro in China all around
[00:26.987]You can call me father if you want
[00:30.739]But im gonna tell you u are wrong
[00:31.989]I got money pay
[00:33.734]Everything easy way
[00:35.233]If I tell you no one loves me that’s fake
[00:38.246]No pain no gain 这是对的
[00:40.491]no money no gain 也是对的
[01:05.234]Say what you want from me
[01:07.483]Tell me you can pay for me
[01:10.491]sorry i don't know you name
[01:13.239]but you can use another way
[01:16.234]im going to make a million pounds
[01:18.731]So my bro in China all around
[01:21.484]You can call me father if you want
[01:23.981]But im gonna tell you u are wrong
[01:26.989]Im going to make a million pounds
[01:29.740]So my bro in China all around
[01:32.237]You can call me father if you want
[01:34.987]But im gonna tell you u are wrong
[01:53.981]这是你 这是命 这还得知道
[01:56.989]这是钱 这是脸 怎么办还得依靠
[02:04.488]get money we need money money
[02:07.483]get money we need money money
[02:10.740]get money we need money money
[02:15.740]get money we must get money
[02:21.230]Im going to make a million pounds
[02:24.238]So my bro in China all around
[02:26.988]You can call me father if you want
[02:29.741]But im gonna tell you u are wrong
[02:32.732]Im going to make a million pounds
[02:35.240]So my bro in China all around
[02:38.240]You can call me father if you want
[02:40.491]But im gonna tell you u are wrong