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网络广告 (1/2) - 英语听力

网络广告 (1/2)-英语听力.mp3
Imagine you have a new product or a new service an...
Imagine you have a new product or a new service and you want the world to know about it. One way would be to write the advertisement onto ten or a hundred or a thousand pieces of paper and drop them from the sky over your town or city. Someone on the ground might pick one up and read it. Maybe two or three people. On the other hand the wind might blow them away. Now imagine doing the same thing but this time throwing them into the air with adverts for every other product or service in the world. You probably wouldn't do it, would you? Well, unfortunately, that's what it's like to advertise on the Internet. Trying to make your product, service or website known to the rest of the Internet community can be very, very frustrating. Not only making it known, but getting visitors to actually visit the site can seem impossible. But there are ways to overcome the impossible when advertising on the Internet, as long as you follow three rules. So, rule number one. The first thing is to remember that people use search engines. So whenever someone types in a keyword linked to your business, your site needs to appear in the top 50 or so listings in all of the major search engines. Any lower and no one will ever find you.

想象你有一个新的产品或者一个新的服务,然后你想要全世界都知道它。一种方法是写下广告在十张或者甚至是一百张纸张上,然后在你所在的城镇或者城市的天空上洒下来。 现在想象做同样的事情,但是这次却是通过空气把每个产品或者服务的广告传到世界。 试图让你的产品、服务或网站被其余的网络社区所知,最终的结果是非常、非常令人沮丧的。 不仅仅是被人所知,而且要让网民确确实实地去浏览网站根本是不可能的事情。 所以当有人输入与你商业有关的关键字时,你的网站需要出现在搜索栏结果的前50名又或者是出现在所有的搜索引擎里边。比较靠后的排名,没有人会找到你的产品。 解析: know about 为...所知 Internet community 社区网络 search engine 搜索引擎