

Last Chance(Explicit) - Nicki Minaj

Last Chance(Explicit)-Nicki Minaj.mp3
[00:6.73]Yeah [00:14.28]// [00:14.28]Yo I could...
[00:14.28]Yo I could've been had fame jump shot with a stupid a** aim
[00:18.87]我本可以名气大振 瞄准一个愚蠢的目标
[00:18.87]Caus' you couldn't get around the last name so my cross-over wins the last game
[00:22.27]而你 人们都不知道你姓什么 最后的赢家非我莫属
[00:22.27]And it's ill right switched up the flow but it's still right
[00:26.32]就是这样 我的节奏咋样都很酷炫
[00:26.32]Go back to that yeah I still might Imma just do me when it feel right
[00:29.52]话说回来 我的选择永远都是正确的
[00:29.52]You could bring it anyday natural bad a** NBA
[00:33.27]你想什么时候都可以 你的技术很菜的
[00:33.27]Thats my initials thats why officials don't blow the whistle bang bang the pistol
[00:36.97]这是我的座右铭 这就是为什么那些官员不敢吹口哨
[00:36.97]And I'm bossy can't keep these hoes up off me
[00:41.07]我就是老大 坏女人们都给我滚开
[00:41.07]Damn the flow nasty coffee don't you do like the pope and cross me
[00:44.62]就你那节奏 识相的就一边去
[00:44.62]Yeah this is my last chance last chance
[00:50.93]Yeah this is my last chance
[00:54.68]And shoot I'm ready to shoot
[00:56.64]发射吧 我已经准备好了
[00:56.64]I'm ready to shoot (I'm ready to shoot)
[01:03.65]And I'm ready to shoot (I'm ready to shoot)
[01:08.98]I'm ready I'm ready to shoot (I'm ready to shoot)
[01:14.65]I'm ready I'm ready to shoot I'm ready to shoot
[01:24.23]我准备好了 我已经准备好发射了
[01:24.23]I get it in though no sexueal innuendo
[01:27.57]我明白了 这里面不包含性暗示
[01:27.57]Nobody that I could just depend on until I touch down in the end zone
[01:35.9]没有人可以让我依靠 直到我触碰到他的禁区
[01:35.9]And then they come out like roaches p-p-pecking away like vultures
[01:41.27]然后就一发不可收拾 鬼鬼祟祟
[01:41.27]But little did they know distribute the payroll
[01:45.35]但他们都太无知 一点小钱就可以打发了
[01:45.35]Pick out the outfit pick out the single
[01:49.28]Sadly I'm so business savy similar protocol but the tidbits vary
[01:54.97]真是伤感 我又不做生意 相似的条款对我没用
[01:54.97]Never been like me ain't never been like this
[01:64.88]这真不像我的作风 我从来没有这样做过
[01:64.88]My flow's a crisis they screamin high pitch
[01:67.97]我的节奏有毒 人们都放声尖叫
[01:67.97]Gun cock pause and I'm well away of the gun yours
[01:72.33]快让我见识你的厉害 我已经准备好了
[01:72.33]Tell 'em that I'm willing for the top Forbes headed to the top dot org
[01:78.87]昭告世人 我已经准备好登顶福布斯排行榜了
[01:78.87]Yeah this is my last chance last chance
[01:82.12]Yeah this is my last chance
[01:84.12]And shoot I'm ready to shoot
[01:89.62]I'm ready to shoot (I'm ready to shoot)
[01:94.82]And I'm ready to shoot (I'm ready to shoot)
[02:02.88]I'm ready I'm ready to shoot (I'm ready to shoot)
[02:09.4]I'm ready I'm ready to shoot I'm ready to shoot
[02:21.9]All the days of my life I have been waiting for this time
[02:33.73]我所有的生命 都在等待着这一刻
[02:33.73]Could you believe now it's right before my eyes
[02:45.15]你相信吗 这一切就在我的眼前
[02:45.15]Anybody trying to stop me better not f**k with me this time
[02:60.23]那些想要阻止我的人 此刻最好滚远一点
[02:60.23]Shoot I'm ready to shoot into the sky
[02:73.33]Yeah this is my last chance (this is your last chance) last chance
[02:82.17]And shoot I'm ready to shoot I'm ready to shoot
[03:00.92]我准备好了 我已经准备好发射了
[03:00.92]Only one chance one bullet in the gun (I'm ready to shoot)
[03:07.58]只有一次机会 只有一发子弹
[03:07.58]This is my life and I only got one yeah (I'm ready to shoot)
[03:13.85]Only one chance one bullet in the gun (I'm ready to shoot)
[03:22.6]只有一次机会 只有一发子弹
[03:22.6]This is my life and I only got one yeah (I'm ready to shoot)
[03:29.37]Only one chance one bullet in the gun (I'm ready to shoot)
[03:34.45]只有一次机会 只有一发子弹
[03:34.45]This is my life and I only got one yeah (I'm ready to shoot)
[03:40.45]Saftey's off and I put it on stun (I'm ready to shoot)
[03:66.47]不顾一切 大胆发射
[03:66.47]Stick 'em up stick 'em up
[03:74.8]震惊四座 震惊四座