

气候变暖 比想象的更严重 - 英语听力

气候变暖 比想象的更严重-英语听力.mp3
[00:00]BBC News with Victoria Meakin. [00:03]One o...
[00:00]BBC News with Victoria Meakin.
[00:03]One of the world's leading experts on climate change says that
[00:06]Nobel Prize-winning panel of scientists seriously underestimated
[00:10]the reality of global warming
[00:11]when it published its report just over a year ago.
[00:14]Professor Charles Field,
[00:16]a leading member of the intergovermental panel on climate change,
[00:19]which released the report,
[00:21]said he and his fellow researchers did not have access to vital data.
[00:24]He was speaking at the American science conference in the city of Chicago.
[00:29]Matt McGraw has the details.
[00:31]The report that didnt have assess to data
[00:33]on the emission of carbon dioxide between 2000 and 2007,
[00:37]which show far more rapid rises that haven't been predicted.
[00:40][00:42]by the burning of coal for electric power in India and China.
[00:46]Professor Field says the impact on tempretures is yet unknown.
[00:51]But warming is like to accelerate at a much faster pace
[00:55]and cause more envinronmental damage that haven't been predicted.