

Kettering - The Antlers

Kettering-The Antlers.mp3
[00:00.0]Kettering (凯特琳) - The Antlers [00:43.3...
[00:00.0]Kettering (凯特琳) - The Antlers
[00:43.34]I wish that I had known in that first minute we met
[00:49.57]我希望 在我们 在我们初遇的那一刻就知道了
[00:49.57]The unpayable debt that I owed you
[00:57.02]我会欠下你那些 无法偿还的债
[00:57.02]Because you'd been abused by the bone that refused you
[01:05.04]因为你会被虐打 你有着桀骜不驯的反骨
[01:05.04]And you hired me to make up for that
[01:11.08]你雇我 来弥补这一点
[01:11.08]Walking in that room when you had tubes in your arms
[01:16.95]我走在病房里 看到针管插在你的手臂上
[01:16.95]Those singing M******e alarms out of tune kept you sleeping and even
[01:28.06]打一剂令人耳鸣眩晕的** 让你惊恐得不知所措 但只有这样你才能安然入睡
[01:28.06]And I didn't believe them when they called you a hurricane thunderclap
[01:38.22]我起初无法相信 大家都说你勇猛得像暴风与霹雳
[01:38.22]When I was checking vitals I suggested a smile
[01:43.990005]当为你检查身体的时候 我会哄你笑一笑
[01:43.990005]You didn't talk for a while you were freezing
[01:51.22]但你没聊几句就沉默了 你体温冰冷 瑟瑟发抖
[01:51.22]You said you hated my tone it made you feel so alone
[01:58.240005]你说你不喜欢我的语调 说那会令你倍感孤单
[01:58.240005]And so you told me I ought to be leaving
[02:05.37]所以你告诉我 我必须离开
[02:05.37]But something kept me standing by that hospital bed
[02:11.86]但我还是情不自禁地 驻留在你的病床旁
[02:11.86]I should have quit but instead I took care of you
[02:18.68]我本应该放弃的 但我还是选择留下来照顾你
[02:18.68]You made me sleep and uneven
[02:22.43]And I didn't believe them when they told me that there was no saving you
[02:27.43]我依旧无法相信 当他们对我说 你已无药可救