

I Won't Be There That Day - Passenger

I Won't Be There That Day-Passenger.mp3
[00:00.45]I Won't Be There That Day - Passenger [0...
[00:00.45]I Won't Be There That Day - Passenger
[00:02.03]Lyrics by:Michael Rosenberg
[00:03.15]Composed by:Michael Rosenberg
[00:20.24]When the sun sets west and the birds fly south
[00:25.17]当夕阳西沉 候鸟南飞
[00:25.17]When you can't rest in a stranger's house
[00:30.59]And you can taste it in your mouth
[00:34.49]冥冥之中 你有所察觉
[00:34.49]Well I won't I won't be there that day
[00:40.46]那一天来临时 我不会陪你在你身边
[00:40.46]Whe you're heading north but you're looking east
[00:45.54]当你一路向北 但你的目光却凝视着东边
[00:45.54]Searching for that missing puzzle piece
[00:50.86]You're trying to force the famine to feast
[00:54.83]But I won't I won't be there that day
[01:02.03]但那一天来临时 我不会陪你在你身边
[01:02.03]So come on come on
[01:03.87]所以来吧 来吧
[01:03.87]Throw it all away
[01:07.87]Save you heart for a rainy day
[01:12.71]未雨绸缪 守护你的赤诚之心
[01:12.71]For no one knows the price you'll pay
[01:16.67]But I won't I won't be there that day
[01:41.25]但那一天来临时 我不会陪你在你身边
[01:41.25]When the tide rolls in and your luck runs out
[01:45.509995]当潮水袭来 你的运气耗尽
[01:45.509995]When it's sink or swim when it's drink or drown
[01:50.67]放手一搏 无论成败与否
[01:50.67]You can rest assured you can have no doubts
[01:55.39]你可以感到安心 你没有一丝疑虑
[01:55.39]That I won't I won't be there that day
[02:02.89]那一天来临时 我不会陪你在你身边
[02:02.89]So come on come on
[02:04.73]所以来吧 来吧
[02:04.73]Throw it all away
[02:08.33]Save you heart for a rainy day
[02:13.4]未雨绸缪 守护你的赤诚之心
[02:13.4]For no one knows the price you'll pay
[02:17.45999]But I won't I won't be there that day
[02:22.62]但那一天来临时 我不会陪你在你身边
[02:22.62]No I won't I won't be there that day
[02:27.062]那一天来临时 我不会陪你在你身边