

Old Blue - Larry Groce&Disneyland Children's Sing-Along Chorus

Old Blue-Larry Groce&Disneyland Children's Sing-Along Chorus.mp3
[00:00.0]Old Blue - Larry Groce/Disneyland Childre...
[00:00.0]Old Blue - Larry Groce/Disneyland Children's Sing-Along Chorus
[00:08.72]I had an old dog and his name was blue
[00:10.65]我养了一条年迈的狗 他的名字叫布鲁
[00:10.65]Bet you five dollars he's a good dog too
[00:12.71]I had an old dog and his name was blue
[00:15.98]我养了一条年迈的狗 他的名字叫布鲁
[00:15.98]I bet you five dollars he's a good dog too
[00:19.21]I'm saying yah-hah Blue
[00:24.65]我常喊着 布鲁
[00:24.65]You good dog you
[00:27.21]I'm a singing yah-hah Blue
[00:31.66]我唱着 布鲁
[00:31.66]Oh yeah you good dog you
[00:38.25]Well Old Blue comes when I blow my horn
[00:40.17]只要我吹响我的号角 布鲁就会来到我身边
[00:40.17]Old Blue comes when I blow my horn
[00:42.22]我一吹 他就会来
[00:42.22]Blue comes running through the yellow corn
[00:45.99]Old blue comes when I blow my horn
[00:49.01]I'm saying yah-hah Blue
[00:54.41]我常喊着 布鲁
[00:54.41]You good dog you
[00:57.04]I'm a singing yah-hah Blue
[01:01.49]我唱着 布鲁
[01:01.49]Oh yeah you good dog you
[01:08.18]Late in the year of '93
[01:09.99]I got pinned 'neath a fallen tree
[01:12.09]Old Blue turned ran straight to town
[01:15.93]Came right back with old Doc Brown
[01:18.94]I'm saying yah-hah Blue you good dog you
[01:27.14]我说 布鲁 你这知性的狗狗
[01:27.14]I'm a singing yah-hah Blue
[01:31.8]我唱着 布鲁
[01:31.8]Oh yeah you good dog you
[01:38.21]I remember when Blue
[01:39.09]And I roamed the hills beneath the sky
[01:42.34]One day my old blue died
[01:45.92]有天 我的布鲁去世了
[01:45.92]Like a child I knelt and cried
[01:48.89]我像个孩子那样 跪地大哭
[01:48.89]I'm saying yah-hah Blue you good dog you
[01:57.1]我喊着 布鲁 你是条好狗
[01:57.1]I'm a singing yah-hah Blue
[02:01.75]我唱着 布鲁
[02:01.75]Oh yeah you good dog you
[02:12.22]Well when I get to Heaven
[02:13.39]First thing I'll do
[02:14.51]Grab my horn and call for Blue
[02:16.38]吹响我的号角 召唤布鲁
[02:16.38]When I get to Heaven first thing I'll do
[02:20.15]当我来天堂报道 我第一件事就是要
[02:20.15]Grab my horn and blow for Blue
[02:23.02]吹响我的号角 召唤布鲁
[02:23.02]I'm saying yah-hah Blue
[02:28.57]我说 布鲁
[02:28.57]You good dog you
[02:31.35]I'm a singing yah-hah Blue
[02:35.97]我唱着 布鲁
[02:35.97]Oh yeah you good dog you