

Sharpest Edges - Gallant

Sharpest Edges-Gallant.mp3
[00:00.0]Sharpest Edges - Gallant [00:00.53] [0...
[00:00.0]Sharpest Edges - Gallant
[00:00.53]Lyrics by:Ajay Bhattacharyya/Christopher Gallant III/Trey Campbell
[00:01.07]They said a little bit of you was all I needed
[00:03.71]他们说 我只需要品尝一下你的美就足够
[00:03.71]But they didn't tell me that one step
[00:06.3]但是他们没有说 每靠近你一步
[00:06.3]Closer to you is a step closer to my grave
[00:09.8]Now I find myself trying to save myself
[00:12.12]By nearly killing myself every time
[00:14.46]I get closer to you babe
[00:17.4]每当我靠近你时 宝贝
[00:17.4]Is that lipstick or blood on those lips
[00:20.39]The berry is sweeter on your darker side
[00:25.46]就像浆果 你越是阴暗 我越是觉得甘甜
[00:25.46]And each time we do it you're closer to mine
[00:30.5]每当我们靠近时 你都在慢慢揭开我的阴暗面
[00:30.5]You're broken in places that don't see the light
[00:35.66]But that doesn't stop me from spending the night
[00:39.83]You got the sharpest edges I've ever seen
[00:44.32]And every time my hands get careless you make me bleed
[00:50.06]每当我不小心触碰到你 你就会让我血流不止
[00:50.06]I'm cut up down and in between
[00:54.97]'Cuz you got the sharpest edges I've ever seen
[00:59.89]Don't hurt me
[01:05.41]Hurt me
[01:10.24]Hurt me
[01:11.770004]Usually I just isolate myself and try not to think about
[01:14.94]通常 我把自己孤立 努力不去想
[01:14.94]What I'm missing
[01:16.53]They promised you would be the pleasure for all of this pain
[01:22.21]他们向我保证 你会是缓解我痛苦的良药
[01:22.21]But you brought more of it
[01:24.57]And now I think I want more of it
[01:27.4]Yeah I'm sure of it
[01:29.19]Are those 10 knives or your fingertips
[01:31.91]The berry is sweeter on your darker side
[01:36.93]就像浆果 你越是阴暗 我越是觉得甘甜
[01:36.93]And each time we do it you're closer to mine
[01:41.96]每当我们靠近时 你都在慢慢揭开我的阴暗面
[01:41.96]You're broken in places that don't see the light
[01:47.05]But that doesn't stop me from spending the night
[01:51.009995]Girl you got the sharpest edges I've ever seen
[01:55.770004]姑娘 你拥有我见过最锋利的棱角
[01:55.770004]And every time my hands get careless you make me bleed
[02:01.55]每当我不小心触碰到你 你就会让我血流不止
[02:01.55]I'm cut up down and in between
[02:06.37]'Cuz you got the sharpest edges I've ever seen
[02:11.44]Don't hurt me
[02:16.6]Hurt me
[02:21.64]Hurt me
[02:24.58]And I keep checking myself to make sure I'm still breathing
[02:30.26]'Cuz the cuts go so deep down I've lost the feeling
[02:35.37]因为伤口太深 我已经失去知觉
[02:35.37]Even though it dulls my senses it's my fault that I fall for the
[02:41.64]虽然我的感官已经麻木 但这都怪我自己 沉迷于痛苦
[02:45.09]You got the sharpest edges I've ever seen
[02:49.41]And every time my hands get careless you make me bleed
[02:55.22]每当我不小心触碰到你 你就会让我血流不止
[02:55.22]I'm cut up down and in between
[02:59.99]'Cuz you got the sharpest edges I've ever seen
[03:05.02]Hurt me