

Pillows - Lido

[00:0.0]Pillows (枕头) - Lido/Santell [00:4.63]//...
[00:0.0]Pillows (枕头) - Lido/Santell
[00:4.63]Baby lately we've been getting way too loud
[00:19.69]宝贝 这段时间我们太吵了
[00:19.69]All the neighbors been telling us we gotta keep it down
[00:36.08]I been out here gettin' these decimals
[00:40.01]我不在家的时候 才有片刻安宁
[00:40.01]And when I get home got you making decibels
[00:43.5]我一回到家 又会让你浪叫连连
[00:43.5]I like you in the red when I put that a** to bed oh
[00:51.66]我喜欢你穿红色的裙子 尤其是当我将你轻轻放倒的时候
[00:51.66]You gonna get us kicked out with that moaning
[00:54.26]Found a note on the door this morning
[00:56.17]今天早晨 我在门口看到一张便条
[00:56.17]Saying that you better keepin' the baby up
[00:57.91]上面写着 你最好一直让你的宝贝兴奋不已
[00:57.91]Sound like a house with a maniac
[00:59.54]Is everything okay signed Richard and Jane
[01:14.28]如果都没有异议 就在上面签字 理查德和简
[01:14.28]Oh wow girl you're so loud
[01:24.03]女孩 你叫声太大了
[01:24.03]You gon' have to bite this pillow
[01:34.42]Bite this pillow
[01:40.75]Face down shut up pipe down
[01:50.77]脸朝下 别出声 抬起你的美臀
[01:50.77]You're gon' have to bite this pillow
[01:60.9]Bite this pillow
[01:67.65]Baby you need to put something in your mouth
[01:86.02]宝贝 你需要在你嘴里塞个东西
[01:86.02]Know what I'm talking about
[01:93.4]All this screaking and creaking
[01:96.32]And banging and clanging and moaning and groaning
[02:01.2]身体碰撞的声响 床吱吱作响的声音 还有我们的尖叫呻吟声交织在一起
[02:01.2]Till the early morning
[02:04.15]You're waking up the whole entire house
[02:13.13]Gotta cut it out
[02:19.33]Girl you so addicted we gonna get evicted
[02:25.75]女孩 你太沉迷于激情 我们必须竭力克制
[02:25.75]You shattered all the windows in the room
[02:29.97]Last time I licked it
[02:36.85]不久前 我才尝过你肌肤的味道
[02:36.85]I gotta crushin' for the pushin'
[02:39.85]我要全力以赴 对你展开最强攻势
[02:39.85]Cause you're cussing when I beat it
[02:43.1]因为 当我忘情扭动身躯时 你小声呢喃着
[02:43.1]Like the cushion
[02:47.63]就像缓冲垫 你激起了我更大的欲望
[02:47.63]Uh wow girl you're so loud
[02:57.23]女孩 你叫声太大了
[02:57.23]You're gon' have to bite this pillow
[02:67.57]Bite this pillow
[02:73.98]Face down shut up pipe down
[02:84.02]脸朝下 别出声 抬起你的美臀
[02:84.02]You're gon' have to bite this pillow
[02:94.2]Bite this pillow
[03:00.83]Velvet cashmere
[03:07.47]Feathers everywhere feathers every f**king where
[03:13.8]绒毛散落一地 我们情不自禁
[03:13.8]Like this come here
[03:20.75]Feathers everywhere feathers every f**king where
[03:27.58]绒毛散落一地 我们情不自禁
[03:27.58]Velvet cashmere
[03:33.97]Feathers everywhere feathers every f**king where
[03:40.58]绒毛散落一地 我们情不自禁
[03:40.58]Like this come here
[03:47.23]Feathers everywhere feathers every f**king where
[03:53.88]绒毛散落一地 我们情不自禁
[03:53.88]Velvet cashmere
[03:60.48]Feathers everywhere feathers every f**king where
[03:67.25]绒毛散落一地 我们情不自禁
[03:67.25]Like this come here
[03:73.85]Feathers everywhere feathers every f**king where
[03:80.7]绒毛散落一地 我们情不自禁
[03:80.7]Velvet cashmere
[03:87.22]Feathers everywhere feathers every f**king where
[03:94.02]绒毛散落一地 我们情不自禁
[03:94.02]Like this come here
[04:00.65]Feathers everywhere feathers every f**king where
[04:07.72]绒毛散落一地 我们情不自禁
[04:07.72]Uh wow girl you're so loud
[04:17.18]女孩 你叫声太大了
[04:17.18]You gon' have to