

Operation Lead Seal - 塞壬唱片-MSR

Operation Lead Seal-塞壬唱片-MSR.mp3
[00:00.0]Operation Lead Seal - 塞壬唱片-MSR [00:01...
[00:00.0]Operation Lead Seal - 塞壬唱片-MSR
[00:01.0]Lyrics by:X.Ari
[00:01.39]Composed by:David Westbom
[00:03.31]Presented by:Monster Siren Records
[00:19.35]Talk to myself
[00:21.25]Cuz no one else
[00:23.44]Knows me the way I do when I feel overwhelmed
[00:28.03]在我不知所措之时 和我感同身受
[00:28.03]Made the wrong turn
[00:30.09]And I got burned
[00:32.34]Every decision weighing on me in my world
[00:36.72]在我的世界 每个决定都似千斤重担压迫我
[00:36.72]So I just try to breathe
[00:39.01]And I will try to see
[00:41.19]All of the reasons we
[00:43.47]所有的理由 我们为何
[00:43.47]Are where were meant to be
[00:45.81]I know I lost the race
[00:47.9]Backfired in my face
[00:50.05]But I'll find my way
[00:54.51]Oh oh
[00:57.43]The regret in my head got me taken over
[01:00.44]Oh oh
[01:01.93]I'm alive and surprised and it makes me wonder
[01:04.74]我很惊讶我还存活于世 这让我好奇
[01:04.74]Oh oh
[01:06.33]If they say everything that you learn this life makes you wise
[01:11.05]如若世人言 生活的道理会令你明智
[01:11.05]I'm doing it doing it right
[01:14.729996]我做得 做得很好
[01:14.729996]Made enemies
[01:16.74]They don't scare me
[01:18.99]Cuz I got everyone I need here on my team
[01:23.44]And we will fight
[01:25.69]We're meant to thrive
[01:27.97]In any circumstance you throw us in tonight
[01:33.4]Inside of my mind I've been searching
[01:35.7]在我的心里 我一直在找寻
[01:35.7]For the words that will cure all my hurting
[01:37.880005]Tough love got me feeling deserving
[01:40.009995]Rip back the curtain that's how I'm learning
[01:42.35]拉开窗帘 敞开心扉 这就是我学到的
[01:42.35]Reflect on the mess I created
[01:44.56]Respect for the test I hated
[01:46.8]Making all the winning decisions
[01:48.990005]With high precision
[01:49.75]Now that I listen
[01:51.18]Oh oh
[01:52.979996]The regret in my head got me taken over
[01:55.61]Oh oh
[01:57.82]I'm alive and surprised and it makes me wonder
[02:00.1]我很惊讶我还存活于世 这让我好奇
[02:00.1]Oh oh
[02:01.83]If they say everything that you learn this life makes you wise
[02:06.61]如若世人言 生活的道理会令你明智
[02:06.61]I'm doing it doing it right
[02:08.88]我做得 做得很好
[02:08.88]Made the best out the stress I've been holding
[02:11.38]在重压下活了下来 我一直坚持着
[02:11.38]I'm the one only one I've been chosen
[02:13.43]我是那个 独一无二的 天选之人
[02:13.43]Tell the sorrow there's always tomorrow always tomorrow for another go
[02:17.94]告诉悲伤 明天总会到来 总有再来一次的机会
[02:17.94]Recognize that I'm built like a champion
[02:20.18]意识到 我生来就是最强者
[02:20.18]Realize that I'm here and I'm standing
[02:22.41]意识到我走到了今天这步 我站到了这里
[02:22.41]And my story is only starting now that I'm pardoned heading for stardom
[02:27.3]我的故事才刚刚开始 我既已得到宽恕 便要踏上成名之路
[02:27.3]Gonna give my all
[02:29.45999]If I ever fall
[02:31.81]You better believe
[02:33.09]I'm getting I'm getting back up
[02:36.36]我会 我会重振旗鼓
[02:36.36]Gonna give my all
[02:38.41]If I ever fall
[02:40.57]You better believe
[02:41.85]I'm getting I'm getting back up
[02:43.99]我会 我会重振旗鼓
[02:48.59]Oh oh
[02:55.76]The regret in my head got me taken over
[02:57.81]Oh oh
[02:59.51]I'm alive and surprised and it makes me wonder
[03:02.49]我很惊讶我还存活于世 这让我好奇
[03:02.49]Oh oh
[03:04.24]If they say everything that you learn this life makes you wise
[03:08.71]如若世人言 生活的道理会令你明智
[03:08.71]I'm doing it doing it right
[03:10.68]我做得 做得很好
[03:10.68]Oh oh
[03:12.98]The regret in my head got me taken over
[03:15.89]Oh oh
[03:17.37]I'm alive and surprised and it makes me wonder
[03:20.03]我很惊讶我还存活于世 这让我好奇
[03:20.03]Oh oh
[03:21.83]If they say everything that you learn this life makes you wise
[03:26.53]如若世人言 生活的道理会令你明智
[03:26.53]I'm doing it doing it right
[03:31.053]我做得 做得很好