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I'm Me - Us The Duo

I'm Me-Us The Duo.mp3
[00:00.0]I'm Me - Us The Duo [00:00.52] [00:00....
[00:00.0]I'm Me - Us The Duo
[00:00.52]I never fit in
[00:03.55]I get lost in the crowd
[00:07.94]I wanna be cool but I can't quite figure it out
[00:14.4]我想变得潇洒 可我茫然无措
[00:14.4]I like to tell jokes
[00:17.34]Yet no one understands
[00:21.68]I'm the best damn clarinet player in my high school band
[00:29.28]I may not be perfect but I'm perfectly unique
[00:36.65]我也许不完美 可我独一无二
[00:36.65]I can't be anything that I'm not cause I'm me
[00:42.73]我无法违背自己的心意 因为我就是我
[00:42.73]I'm a hottie with a body and a personality
[00:50.47]I'm sassy with my clarinet
[00:54.26]我吹着单簧管 活泼迷人
[00:54.26]I'm rocking with the band
[00:56.68]Cause I found someone who loves me so back off gentlemen
[01:03.14]因为我找到了深爱我的人 大家都放弃吧
[01:03.14]I'm me
[01:09.94]I hate doing laundry
[01:13.0]But je parle Francais
[01:17.37]I like to stay home watching movies eating sour patch kids
[01:22.17]我喜欢待在家里 看电影 吃着酸甜可口的糖果
[01:22.17]That didn't rhyme typical me
[01:23.76]毫无章法可循 这就是真实的我
[01:23.76]I like to buy flowers
[01:26.95]I even sing in the choir
[01:31.270004]Did I mention I play the clarinet and I'm open for hire
[01:38.84]我是否说过我会吹单簧管 我愿意接受邀请
[01:38.84]I may not be perfect but I'm perfectly unique
[01:46.259995]我也许不完美 可我独一无二
[01:46.259995]I can't be anything that I'm not cause I'm me
[01:52.33]我无法违背自己的心意 因为我就是我
[01:52.33]I'm a hottie with a body and a personality
[02:00.05]I'm sassy with my clarinet
[02:03.83]我吹着单簧管 活泼迷人
[02:03.83]I'm rocking with the band
[02:06.32]Cause I found someone who loves me so back off gentlemen
[02:12.58]因为我找到了深爱我的人 大家都放弃吧
[02:12.58]I'm me
[02:17.41]I'm not an extra I'm not ordinary
[02:20.78]我不是多余的 我生而不凡
[02:20.78]I look in the mirror and it shows me I'm extraordinary
[02:24.3]I'm one of the few of them and though with a marine
[02:27.33]我是为数不多的几个人 对海军士兵念念不忘
[02:27.33]And we're the cutest couple that you've ever seen
[02:31.25]That's my life I did it mama
[02:34.7]这是我的人生 妈妈 我得偿所愿
[02:34.7]Since I was a kid I've always known where I belong
[02:37.62]从小时候起 我就知道我的归属
[02:37.62]Just me my hat my clarinet and him
[02:41.27]我戴着帽子 拿着单簧管 他在我身边
[02:41.27]This story has a happy ending
[02:48.81]I can't be anything that I'm not cause I'm me
[02:54.9]我无法违背自己的心意 因为我就是我
[02:54.9]I'm a hottie with a body and a personality
[03:02.62]I'm sassy with my clarinet
[03:06.27]我吹着单簧管 活泼迷人
[03:06.27]I'm rocking with the band
[03:08.87]Cause I found someone who loves me so back off gentlemen
[03:15.38]因为我找到了深爱我的人 大家都放弃吧
[03:15.38]I'm me I'm me
[03:18.87]我就是我 我就是我
[03:18.87]I'm me I'm me
[03:21.92]我就是我 我就是我
[03:21.92]That's all I know how to be
[03:29.27]I'm me